John Livingston News

Our Return to Egypt?

Many years ago, I read a Sermon by Joseph Franks entitled “IT WAS EASIER FOR ISREAL TO ESCAPE EGYPT THAN IT WAS FOR EGYPT TO ESCAPE ISREAL” The point of the article was that it oftentimes is easier to escape physical oppression and yes even slavery—the Israelites were slaves of Pharaoh’s—than it is to escape […]

John Livingston News

Corruption Revisited

“Must I put up with fraudulent measure, or the administration of the short weight bushel? Must I hold the man honest who measures with false scales and a bag of faked weights?” Micah: 10-11. In the Old Testament, the word corrupt is used as both an adjective and a verb. It can mean causing to […]


Saying You’re Against Fascists Doesn’t Excuse Acting Like One

Despite claims that Antifa fights fascism, the group’s tactics actually mirror those of Benito Mussolini’s regime. — Published with Permission of — On March 23, 1919, Benito Mussolini, an Italian veteran of the Great War and a publisher of socialist newspapers, created the Fasci di Combattimento (commonly known as the Fascist Party) with the help of […]


Two Fascisms

So, we hear cries of fascism from many on the so-called left. But fascism has many disputed meanings and definitions, or rather it has so many different meanings to so many different minds. In this age of repeater, repeater news, where “lies told often enough become the truth,” what is this ‘fascism’ that so many […]

Gem State Patriot News