Bob's Words of Wisdom

Special Airfare for Illegals Coming to America

With word being spread that there are hundreds of thousands of criminals in our country the question remains “Where Are They” and how do we get them out? We are hearing about the surge in Venezuelan gang activity across the U.S. but is the liberal media reporting the truth to the American people since they […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Another Reason Why Illegal Aliens Are Needed

When thinking about illegal aliens there is a generally understood idea that they are being brought to the U.S. for the primary purpose of voting for one particular party. But it should also be considered that these human beings are being manipulated and used to achieve other goals. The “The Problem-Reaction-Solution theory, often intertwined with […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Can Illegal Aliens Vote?

There is much speculation and talk about why so many illegals are being allowed to enter our country, and that one aspect may have to do with building a base of voters, more so for the democratic party.  In 2021, the White House announced Executive Order (EO) 14019, Promoting Access to Voting. It begins by […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Are Illegals the Democrats’ Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction?

Ever since President Obama left office there has been a coordinated effort to open our borders to illegal immigrants in hopes of inundating the U.S. with a huge mass migration of illegals that we cannot possibly cope with. This process started by Obama before he left office and was his way of changing the face […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom Opinions / Op-eds

Illegal Immigration Creates a False Economy

Last week Jesse Wates made some very interesting comments during his monologue about all of these jobs that Biden claims he has created. His message was very clear that almost all of these jobs went to foreigners and this Biden economic boom has done little to help middle-class Americans. Even the chairman of the Fed […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Invasion at our Southern Border!

Fulcher speaks at CPAC: “We need to prioritize securing our own borders over those of other countries.” We need to prioritize securing our own borders over those of other countries. — Rep. Russ Fulcher (@RepRussFulcher) February 23, 2024 I won’t beat around the bush. Our country is being invaded right now. Customs and Border […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Assault from Within

In the past week, we have seen the ugliness of politics and how they are used to grab power and hold on to it for long periods of time. Just this past week several prominent independent journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Gutentag have released information that should shake the very foundation of our […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Stand with Texas!

Dear Friends, On Monday, a group of 26 Attorneys General from around the country issued a letter, admonishing the Administration to enforce immigration laws. We, the signers, noted that more than six million people have illegally crossed into the United States in just under three years – a combined population of both Utah and Iowa. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let the Games Begin

The Democrats have a little less than 11 months to flood our country with illegals and find a way to give them citizenship so they can vote in the upcoming 2024 election. If you think for one minute that this is not their ultimate goal, you have your head buried in the sand. The democratic […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Paging George Orwell

There has been much talk recently by the liberal media about how Donald Trump will be a dictator if he is elected for a second term. I liken the liberal media to a magician who gets you to watch one hand so he can fool you with the other. Let me explain why I say […]

John Livingston

The Democrats’ New Slave Trade with Illegals

I wrote in my most recent post about the fact that the Democratic Party through all its iterations has always been the party of subjugation. Beginning with its founding by Thomas Jefferson through the growth of the southern agrarian tobacco and cotton economies that were dependent on slavery, and beyond the civil war with “The […]

Gem State Patriot News