John Livingston

Another Great Awakening — Please God!

I opined over a year ago that we need a new GREAT AWAKENING. As this election season draws to an end, I believe this is truer than ever before.

We all know in our hearts that there is something wrong with the world, but there has always been something wrong with the world.

There are dysfunctions all around us. In our homes, in our workplaces, in our businesses, in our churches, and in those who we have chosen to govern us at City Hall or in Congress or even our Presidents, but there have always been dysfunctions. Such is the nature of man.

All religions since the beginning of all religions have understood that within all of us is a moral compass. The Enlightenment Fathers, some who were atheists or deists, believed in some form of the definition of “The Natural Law”—”A Law embedded in the hearts of all men made known through the faculties of reason and REVELATION.”

Christ Troupis Book

All religions have believed in an “objective moral value” that becomes the basis for how we judge our own actions and the actions of others. Contrary to popular belief we are called on to “judge”. Not the people we are around but their actions. “Love the sinner and hate the sin”. One of the most difficult diseases that we must extricate ourselves from is the disease within ourselves and within society that happens when we violate our own moral compass—my Quaker grandparents called that “the voice within”. My minister and my Priest call it my conscience.

Why there is evil in the world is a theological and, in some cases, philosophical question that is beyond this post. I am neither a theologian, an apologetic or a philosopher.

C. S. Lewis does opine in the PROBLEM WITH PAIN that evil does help define the moral standard of goodness, When we choose evil over goodness we almost always know and understand our decision. Evil in any of its’ forms prompts us to separate ourselves from God. The Christian word when we act in this way is “sin”.

The Pastor John Stein has said “that the essence of sin is when man puts himself in the place of God. The essence of Christian salvation is when God substitutes himself for man”.

I bring this all up today, because over the weekend at a rally Kamala Harris was confronted by two Christian young men who shouted, “Christ is King” Her response to the confrontation was very telling: “Oh, you are at the wrong rally. The smaller rally is down the street”. A more Christian response would have been—”Thank YOU and God Bless you. The smaller rally is down the street”

Sometimes a person’s instincts reflect their heart and their inner most beliefs. Remember Ronald Reagan at Pointe-du Hoc? Remember Donald Trump at Butler 2.0 standing for the Ava Maria? I doubt that the Ava Maria would be played at an Obama, Clinton, Biden, or Harris rally—it would alienate too many factions in the base!

The main political difference between conservatives and progressives can be found not necessarily in their political philosophy, but in the belief and faith that for most of us underlie those political philosophies—there are on our side Ayan Rand atheists who we must respect, but not necessarily agree with. Conservatives identify our problems and then create solutions very differently than progressive Marxists. We see the problem as being us—individually. We see the solutions to our problems as coming from within each person. We can control our actions—good or bad. The idea that we get the government we deserve centers on the idea of individual accountability. WE can act for good or evil based on our own “free will” which is the basis of our liberty.

Progressive liberals believe that the problem is also “US”. But “US” doesn’t include them. “US” is who disagrees with them. “US” are we deplorables who cling to our Bibles and guns. They can fix the problems by coercing “US” to see the folly of our ways and for “US” to do as we are told by a government made up of people who have inserted themselves in the place of God. Or what about DEI and sensitivity training instructors at our Universities and in the military who force “US” to take “equity” oaths? We believe in only one oath and that should never be coerced.

If slavery was “America’s Great Sin”, then abortion is our “Greatest sin”. Over 80 million little baby boys and girls killed since Roe, and now at a higher rate since Dobbs.

So, for all those casting a judgmental eye to the sins of Donald Trump and Kamala Harris—one exerting himself with a position of power and the other using themselves to climb the political ladder to power; I say this: “Which amongst you without sin can cast the first stone”. If all the people in our country who have stolen, lied, cheated, coveted, born false witness, had or participated in an abortion, or committed adultery were to cast a vote for one candidate, that candidate would receive 100% of the vote.

How about before going to the polls we all individually ask for God’s forgiveness. There is not one amongst who would not benefit from confession and then subjugate themselves to God’s Redemptive Grace. We pray that we have another GREAT AWAKENING. And then cast a ballot for the candidate that understands that we are all individually accountable for our own actions. That we control our own destiny. That the promise of a progressive Utopia cannot be found here on earth. That government is not the solution to our problems, but that it is the root of our problems—RR. That will not make the political process their God or substitute themselves for God, but rather will ask God to insert himself in each of our lives.

In my most humble opinion, there is only one candidate that is capable of subjugating themselves to such a DIVINE PROVIDENCE. Even with all his flaws.

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One reply on “Another Great Awakening — Please God!”

I agree with you, Dr. John Livingston. Anyone who takes a bullet for me has my vote. None of us is sin free, but most of us know the difference between pure evil and good. The democrats have adopted a philosophy so bad that I can’t recognize them anymore. God must be shaking his head at the women who wear a badge of pride for killing their babies because they are an “inconvenience.” Their mantra of (MY BODY, MY CHOISE) could be settled at the nearest BIRTH CONTROL counter “BEFORE” the deed__not “AFTER” it happened. Whatever became of being responsible?

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