
‘Trojan House’ Speaker Paul Ryan Presents ObamaCare Lite

President Trump is so eager to make a deal on the American Health Care Act (AHCA) that he can be too easily cajoled into believing what he wishes for is what we are getting without the advantage of closer inspection by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) or weighing the damage it will inflict on citizens […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Mr. President, Go Directly to the People to Build the Wall

I have a message for President Trump. Congress will never pay to build the wall. Democrats will never fund the wall. They no longer care about either America, or middle-class Americans, or American workers. They couldn’t care less about heroin, or cocaine, or a myriad of other deadly drugs flooding our nation, killing our children. They couldn’t […]


100 Days of Trump: Change in the Media

— Published with Permission of — Although it was not among his promises to the American people, it can be rightly argued that the one place President Donald Trump has fostered a prodigious amount of change in a short time is in the kingdom of the Fourth Estate. Whether by design or sheer force […]


Trump – ‘the Mother of All Presidents’

Remember the date April 13, 2017. That was the day Trump won his re-election campaign. That was the day he dropped MOAB- the “Mother Of All Bombs” on ISIS’s head. Over 21,000 pounds of pure hell. What’s the last thing those bloodthirsty, murdering radical Muslim terrorists thought before the biggest bomb in the history of […]


Swamp Osmosis

Speaker Paul Ryan started out as a fine young man at the age of 22 serving as a legislative aide in WI Sen. Bob Kasten’s office, after graduating in 1992. Before being elected as a Congressman in 1998, he had also served as a speechwriter, legislative director to a Senator and as a marketing consultant […]


Syria, the U. S. Constitution, and the War Powers Resolution

In the wake of the U. S. missile strike on the Syrian air base believed to have been used to mount a chemical weapons attack, there is no lack of the usual debate about, “it’s right, it’s wrong; it’s good, it’s bad; we should have, we shouldn’t have.” Most of the discussion revolves around personal […]


Trump is Correct about ‘Climate Change’!

Have you ever heard anyone say that 97% of scientists agree that man is the chief cause of global warming and that this warming is going to end in disaster? Actually, less than 1% happen to agree on the cause of climate change! Donald Trump chose Myron Ebell last September to head up the transition […]


CLASSIC RUSES: Clinton’s Lewinsky and Obama’s Russians

A RUSE IS A RUSE IS A RUSE A perceptive friend of mine is known to occasionally say someone is worrying about the wrong thing. Amazingly, he is usually right, and what you saw originally might have been a ruse. A ruse is likened to a magician’s art. Ruse: an action intended to deceive someone; […]


America 2021

Trump is off and running now, and I’m here to confirm, There’ll be a lot of changes by the end of his first term. Let’s put the turbulence on hold and have a little fun . . . Here’s my look at where we’ll be in 2021. Trump’s been re-elected with another strong campaign, Defeating […]


Democrats are the Birthers Now

This would be really funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous and hypocritical. For eight long years, Democrats called anyone on the right who questioned Obama’s birth or background a terrible name, “Birther.” I’ve never been a “birther” in my life. Not for even one minute. During Obama’s eight years in office, I made over 10,000 media […]


Obamacare Lessons from Las Vegas

I have an important message for President Trump and the GOP Congress. Study the lesson of the Nevada GOP. When people think of Nevada, they think of Las Vegas aka “Sin City.” They think of neon, glitzy casinos, gambling, strip clubs, Elvis and Liberace. What they don’t think of is politics…or more specifically, Obamacare. Yet […]


There is a Russian Scandal, but it’s Hillary’s Scandal

The entire “Trump Russian scandal” narrative is complete utter nonsense. Democrats are so desperate to stop Trump, they’re clinging to a Saturday Night Live comedy skit—with the full cooperation of their liberal lackeys in the mainstream media. They’ve just made a YUGE mistake. And it’s all going to blow up in their face. There is a “Russian influence […]

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