
Wildfires ravage 3.2 million acres in 2017, and it’s only July

— Published with Permission of — As of July 7, wildfires have consumed nearly 3.2 million acres throughout the country, and have impacted states from Alaska to Florida. Only a few thousand acres have been torched in prescribed burns designed to mitigate larger incidents. Earlier this year Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and other Midwestern states […]


Probe into Dan Love’s criminal conduct by OIG bolstered by additional evidence

— Published with Permission of — Information within the wrongful death lawsuit brought by the Estate of Dr. James Redd against Dan Love and the federal government furthers the contention that he is a thief. The name ‘Dan Love’ has become synonymous with the arrogant attitudes and feckless, iron-fisted tactics so commonplace in federal […]


New BLM plan targets ‘unsustainable’ attempts to manage wild horses

— Published with Permission of — Good management of wild horses means treating them as what they are, livestock. Bison, once found in the millions on the wild prairies of North America, and driven to near-extinction in an effort to make room for western settlements, were saved and are being robustly restored by human […]


Corridors and Connectivity (Part 3 of 6)

Part 3 of a 6 Part Series This is the third of a six-part series. The reader is strongly urged to visit these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. Part one covered data collection in the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) which was used to […]


Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Part 2 of 6)

Part 2 of a 6 Part Series This is the second of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. After gathering wood in the forest for a warm fire, my father insisted that we not […]


Would move west improve BLM accountability, or put the fox in the hen house?

— Published with Permission of Free Range Report — All this make it worth pondering the question of whether BLM HQ should be moved to rural Western Colorado–which, by the way, has been economically harmed because of anti-fossil fuel BLM regulations, and its heavy-handed interference with ranching, farming, and other resource-based industries. Will moving the […]


Rapacious Feds

DEMAND TRUE STATE SOVEREIGNTY Remove Colonial Status from the Western States A basic economic fact teaches that all new wealth springs from the ground, whether grown or mined. America has been blessed with amazingly abundant natural resources, plus the freedom to access and develop them. From the beginning, this combination set us apart, propelling America […]


Malheur II – Judge Stops Reporter From Testifying

— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News — In January 2016, former OPB reporter John Sepulvado, now with KQED in California, interviewed protest leader Ryan Bundy about the “hard stand” taken at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Prosecutors wanted to call Sepulvado to the stand to authenticate the interview and have it admitted into evidence. Attorney Duane A. […]


BLM Agent Daniel P. Love Named in Investigation

— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News — The truth is being revealed, as we all prayed that it would. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Agent Daniel P. Love has been breaking the law for years. Using and abusing his authority to run his own personal fiefdom. Bullying citizens until they commit suicide. All while believing he […]


About BLM, USFS, Fish & Game, EPA & IRS and other ‘Govmint’ Agencies’ SWAT Teams

SOME GOOD NEWS: On January 24, 2017, U.S. Rep. Jason Chaffetz from Utah introduced the Local Enforcement for Local Lands Act (HR 622), which would strip the Bureau of Land Management and US Forest Service of its law enforcement capacity. If we could get that to pass, it would be a good beginning. As Ron Paul said […]


Four BLM-related suicides after over-the-top interrogations: Rep. Jason Chaffetz to act

Following a fourth suicide subsequent to bullying and harassment by Bureau of Land Management law enforcement agents, I, Christopher Kortlander, the Founding Director of the Custer Battlefield Museum in Garryowen, MT, am speaking out. I, myself, the victim of two unwarranted Bureau of Land Management raids, say the intimidation and threats by teams of heavily-armed […]


Rogue Agents in Overreaching Agencies, Such as the BLM And USFS Need Reigning in & Prosecuted

SEE BOTTOM 2 ATTACHMENTS FOR SOME GOOD NEWS! The story on the top link below is chilling and comes to me from my long-time friend, Chris Kortlander; founding director of the Custer Battlefield Museum located in Garryowen, MT, a private town he owns located on the battlefield. Chris was harassed immensely by the BLM, National […]

Gem State Patriot News