Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Legislators Trapped by their Voting Record

In Reply to a Recent Statesman Article on the Idaho Freedom Foundation: Wayne Hoffman is a man of honor, who fights for freedom and liberty for the citizens of Idaho. Kelley Packer has an affinity for going after anyone who tries to tell the truth about her voting record as it is not a pretty […]


Ahh… One World Government, No More Wars, No More Politics… Pure Socialism — Utopia

Can socialism be a good thing? Just about everybody in Washington DC are socialists already, no matter what they say. Now just imagine once the globalists complete their agenda… we will have no more messy politics and no more wars. Pure socialism: everybody gets the same money, the same digs (probably an apartment), number of […]


Who the ‘Establishment’ Really Is

We must be vigilant and not give too much trust to the political parties that are so full of themselves. Pesky special interests and hidden agendas continually replace those grand proclamations of great sounding platforms. All that counts is how elected officials vote with our Constitution which has been responsible for making us the greatest […]


Syd Albright to Speak to Hayden Area Tea Party on Wed. Mar. 16th at Hayden Library

Hayden Area Tea Party Meeting on Weds, March 16th at 6:30 pm at the Hayden Library in the Conference Room. Speaker will be historian Syd Albright, the proverbial man of many talents. In his career he’s been a producer, college teacher, scuba instructor, press secretary, vice president and manager. A writer, editor and biographer his […]


The Apple Dumpling Gang’s End of Liberty

There seems to have always been reason for one to give government some quotient of security for the protection of property and civil liberty. In the lawless West a Sheriff was elected to protect freedoms of settlers against ambitious hustlers and rustlers who roamed the open plains according to strict compliance to the rule of […]


HEALTHY CONCLUSIONS: Small Steps to Big Health

With the tremendous amount of confusing information out there on nutrition, many are stuck on what to do and what works. Here are some ideas that few should disagree with. Incorporating these into your life over time can lead to huge improvements in health. BEVERAGES: Replace sugary beverages (including juice) with water. Drinking water lubricates […]


Apple and the Third Amendment

My reasoning on why Apple should not comply with the court order to hack its own product. We know that you can be subpoenaed to appear in court and give testimony in a criminal case. Can the government force you to engage in activities that you would ordinarily not do? Can they force you to […]


An open letter to members of the Idaho Legislature and the Congress of the United States

I am a citizen of the sovereign state of Idaho and of the United States of America. I love and respect ALL people as having been created in the image of God. That being said not all of you are behaving like children of God. Each of you have taken the oath to support the […]


Destruction of Western Civilization – Depopulation

Hello! Today I’m continuing our discussion of Western civilization, how it met its demise, and what that means for us today. To do that, we’re going to be talking about one of the primary weapons used by those who seek Western civilization’s destruction. That weapon is depopulation. It is evident to me that there is […]


Reply to Jim Caswell’s Article by Jim Chmelik

Reply to Jim Caswell’s Article, “Looking Past Malheur: America’s real Public Lands Legacy“: Mr. Caswell’s comments in the Hill Magazine lack any understanding of our founding principal or any basis in economic reality or evidence to support his statements. As usual he claims the state will simply sell the lands when in reality that is […]


Is There Liberty In Socialism?

While talking to people on the opposite end of the political spectrum, I am constantly reminded that we think of “liberty” in two different ways. It is the reason that we seldom agree on public policy issues or initiatives before us. Here are a few examples. Where Christians view faith as liberation through surrender, restraint […]


PRESS RELEASE: Committee considers Labrador Bill Piloting State and Local Control of Federal Forests

The bill aims to improve forest health and provide a long-term solution for struggling rural areas    WASHINGTON, D.C. – A bill authored by Congressman Raúl Labrador, R-Idaho, was warmly received by the chairman of the Natural Resources Subcommittee on Federal Lands during a House hearing Thursday. Labrador’s Self-Sufficient Community Lands Act permits state and local […]

Gem State Patriot News