
Federal Domestic Abuse in the Western States

This article discusses a federal model or template for the taking away of water, energy and food production in the Western States. It is about the political and constitutional ruin of 30,000 Montanans and confiscation of 350,000 others’ property Interests. It is federal Executive Branch and tribal government overreaching on steroids, determined to replace State […]


Socialism/Collectivism Ends in Tyranny

Since we could elect a president who is, in all respects, a socialist, it would be good for us to understand what the term means. When we look at Nazi Germany we somehow conclude that they were a people who readily accepted collectivist thinking, and that we could never let that happen here. Milton Mayer […]


The Solution

The long term solution to both the Syrian refugee crisis and illegal immigration is the decriminalization of all drugs. Yes, I’ll say it again: The long term solution to both the Syrian refugee crisis and illegal immigration is the decriminalization of all drugs. But first, some clarification. I am not one of those who advocates […]


Ridicule Warriors

“Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It’s hard to counterattack ridicule, and it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage.” Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals #5


When The Winner Is The Loser!

Contracting is very competitive. There was a rather humorous expression in the business that echoed in my head when bids were announced and projects awarded. It went something like this, “Contracting is the only business where the winner is the loser.” If one were a smart operator, this was not true, of course. But, it […]


Endorsements and the Effect of Compromise

When we give our endorsement to someone or something, we intrinsically connect ourselves to the object of that endorsement and to the values which it embodies, thus lifting – or lowering – ourselves to the level of the entity we have endorsed. When we give our endorsement to something moral and virtuous, we elevate ourselves. […]


Labrador and Goodlatte Introduce Broad Refugee Reform Legislation

Bill to be marked up on Wednesday, March 16 Washington, D.C. – Immigration and Border Security Subcommittee Vice Chairman Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) today introduced the Refugee Program Integrity Restoration Act (H.R. 4731). The bill reforms the refugee program by curbing fraud and strengthening public safety and national […]


NWPOA Annual Dinner A Big Success

The Northwest Property Owners Alliance (NWPOA) held its Annual Dinner and Auction at the Kootenai County Fairgrounds on Saturday, March 5th. An aside to this meeting story is that in the same building just minutes before, Senator Ted Cruz held a campaign rally that over-flowed to outside.  3100 people showed up for the Cruz event, […]


Destruction of Western Civilization: Financialization

Hello! This is Darrell Castle. Today we’re going to continue our discussion of western civilization and how it met its demise. Today’s discussion will deal primarily with another one of the chief weapons that those who seek to destroy our civilization have used to accomplish their ends. That weapon is financialization. Financialization can be defined […]


What happened with the Petition to put Refugee Resettlement on the ballot?

The Citizens to End Refugee Resettlement started a petition drive in October, to ask Ada County Commissioners to give citizens a chance to vote on whether they want to stop refugee resettlement in the Treasure Valley or not. The question reads: “Do you support tax-funded refugee resettlement in Ada County? YES or NO” (We also had […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 53

Welcome to Volume 53 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. Who is IACI? Part I by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer IACI stands […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Who is IACI? Part I

This is a question we get asked all too often by our readers, and we are amazed how IACI has been able to keep themselves so far out of the political limelight for most of Idaho’s citizens? IACI stands for the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry, or as we like to call it the […]

Gem State Patriot News