Bob's Words of Wisdom

Media Muppets Fail to get Gun Facts Straight ‘Again’

In a feeble attempt to be funny, the Mistakesman once again prints a Lewiston Tribune article on Idaho’s changing gun market Page 2C Opinion 7/2/2016. They attempted to berate the fact that our legislators finally listened to the people of Idaho and not the “Muppet Media” by passing legislation this year allowing permit-less carrying of […]

Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 61

Welcome to Volume 61 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter published by Gem State Patriot News. Please enjoy the following articles.


Rulemaking: The Devil is in the Details (Part II – State Devils)

Once a bill becomes law, agencies begin the rulemaking process that details how the law will be implemented. This essay is the second of two that looks at how the rule-making process can be manipulated. The first detailed the rulemaking process used by the US Department of Education. The phrase, “The devil is in the details,” applies to both the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

When the Right Turns Left, You’re Out of Office

The Editorial on Jim Chmelik former Idaho County Commissioner can be read here. Well it’s been five weeks since the election and based on the amount of press, and e-mail comments from the left, I must be winning. The ideas I battle for are based in the truth, and they ring faithful to the blessing […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

“BENGHAZI” – Why Hillary Can’t be Elected President

As the latest Benghazi report is released, we remember the terrible tragedy on 9/11/2012 when four brave Americans were cut down by terrorists, and the Obama administration along with a complicit Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, sat in a room and did nothing to save them. Today Trey Gowdy’s committee released their final report on […]


June 23rd ‘Independence Day’ for the Brits – Inspiration for Conservative Americans

THE BEGINNING OF SOMETHING REALLY BIG Congratulations to our brothers in the United Kingdom for throwing off the shackles of their recent One World Government (OWG) mindset masters of the European Union (EU) made up of unaccountable, unelected, powerful global elitist who know what’s best for everyone about everything. Other than Obama’s immigration plan being […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The UK has its own Tea Party – Will the US Follow their Lead in November?

Is the vote in the UK an indication of what will happen in our presidential election in November? This vote was about sovereignty and the emotion of the people. Was this the UK’s Tea Party? Prior to this vote to leave the EU, Brussels had imposed a ban on high energy Tea Kettles and Toasters. […]


Laws of Nature – Thomas Jefferson

Perhaps one of the most overlooked or least understood statements in the Declaration of Independence is “…the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them…” What exactly are the Laws of Nature and where do they originate? In what way did Thomas Jefferson interpret the Laws of […]


The Unrelenting Con-Con Con

No other issue facing us today can take down our beloved country as we’ve known it literally overnight like the proposed convention of the states which would actually be a constitutional convention (con-con) no matter what they want to call it. Legislators should not be taken in by professionally prepared hype based on ‘doctored’ information […]


What Warming? Do the Math

An editorial in the Coeur d’Alene Press by professional engineer David E. Bruderly on Sunday (June 4) made some interesting points. He says that CO2 levels were about 320 ppmv when his grandparents were born, and they are on track to soon double (in the lifetime of his grandchildren). We usually think of soon as […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Effects of Illegal Immigration

Tea Party Bob was unable speak on the Kevin Miller Show 580KIDO this morning, but we felt this was such an important message on Immigration that it deserved comment. If you missed the Kevin Miller show this morning, you missed a good one as he had an honest talk with people who have had actual […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Time for a New Non-Legislative Team to Fix the Medicaid Gap Problem

In reply to an article written by Wayne Hoffman Dir. of Idaho Freedom Foundation Can someone please tell me who picks the legislators to be on these panels because they need to do some homework? Here we have Senator Marv Hagedorn, a retired Naval Officer and former engineer and Representative Loertscher a rancher and farmer […]

Gem State Patriot News