
Soros: A Modern Goebbelist – Part 3 of 3

“The technotronic era involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values. – Zbigniew Brzezinski Owned by the Rothschild family, the globalist mouthpiece Economist magazine warns of severe economic pain in the post-Brexit world of Great Britain. As the article states, “If […]


Boise Bullying and the Voice of the People

Idaho is a conservative state, but the policies coming out of the State Legislature are not conservative. (See the adoption of Common Core in 2010, the Obamacare exchange in 2014, the huge gas tax and hybrid fee increase in 2015, and the huge spending increases last year and projected again for this year). People across Idaho […]


Is Trump Going Dangerously Too Fast?

I’ve said before that I don’t believe any polls, especially now in this acknowledged world of Fake News. However, four issues surfacing in the news lately regarding President-Elect Donald Trump’s positions are very disconcerting. 1. UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE FOR ALL AMERICANS This sure sounds like single payer or Government insurance, if you will. The Government […]


Complete & Total Vindication

Obama was up to his old tricks again on Tuesday with his farewell speech. Once again he lied about the economy and jobs. Or maybe I should phrase it differently: Once again, Obama chose to omit the facts. The good news is I feel vindicated. All conservatives should feel vindicated. As in… Complete and total vindication. […]


Introducing President Trump

In a few short days, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States. Yes, Donald Trump… the bombastic, politically incorrect, pompous underdog of the 2016 election. You know… the guy who didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of winning according to the mainstream media. So, how did […]


Trump Is Looking To Add One Hispanic-American

This morning I heard on TV and over the Internet that President-Elect Trump is still looking for a USDA director, preferably Mexican. Apparently, Mr. Trump holds the mistaken idea that aptitudes for agriculture, ranching and timber industries are inherited in the genes, in need of diversity consideration. Does he have any inkling of the qualification […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will the Demise of Obamacare Solve our Healthcare Problems?

The simple answer to the question is “NO”. What it will do is hopefully is to give a reprieve to most people on the cost of their annual premiums but even that is somewhat sketchy since we don’t know what they will replace it with. The more serious problem to solve is how we will […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Speaker Bedke Imitates Obama — ‘No Freedom of Speech for Rep. Scott’

It appears that Idaho’s House Speaker Scott Bedke is auditioning for a job on ‘The Apprentice’ after he removed Representative Heather Scott from her three committee positions. Bedke stripped her of her assignments for a comment she made in the house lounge with several lawmakers present saying that Women lawmakers get their leadership positions only […]


There is no Freedom of Choice for Healthcare in America

If you were to pass from the border from San Diego to Tijuana this last weekend, you would’ve been in for a bit of a shock. Why? Because the Mexican border patrol that typically stands at the border and waves Americans through and into Mexico, was completely gone. In their place was dozens of protestors […]


Governor Otter’s Education Budget: Throwing Money at the Corporate State

Governor Otter has proposed several big money education items in his budget. Each builds on previous programs recommended by a task force created in 2012 and operating on information at least that old. None of the task force recommendations implemented to date have been audited to determine if the programs are worth the cost. Furthermore, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Truth about CBD Oil – Alternative Medicine Works!

Why is it that Government says “NO” to perfectly good medicine? Because Big Pharma can’t patent it? Because Allopathic Doctors don’t understand it and must follow AMA codes of conduct? Because there is no money to be made on it? Because Insurance doesn’t cover it? Because it does no harm, but the FDA won’t approve […]


The Columbia River Treaty could be the death of Idaho

With the new United Nations (UN) and federal government grand plan to steal what remains of our land through the ruse of ecosystem management, there is one grand daddy that will take all of Idaho in one fell swoop. In 1944 the United States and Canada began talks to jointly manage the Columbia River which […]

Gem State Patriot News