Opinions / Op-eds

Restoring Election Integrity

Dear Editor, The 2022 General Election has been concluded. There are still unsettling questions in Americans’ minds, such as: the red wave that should have taken place, Republican control of the Legislature, and the Arizona gubernatorial race. There is one more question though. In a recent statement, Kari Lake said that she would continue to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Carbon Dioxide is a Valuable Gas

I recently read an interesting article in the Range Magazine for Winter 2022, Bits and Spurs pp 26-27. The author, Robb Kendrick, says that he worked for National Geographic for 32 years. I am sure it is evident that if someone has worked for National Geographic for 32 years, they are probably not predisposed to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Did Righteousness Fail?

Elections have consequences and the election just past is no exception. There have been a few dramatic wins, but also some heartbreaking losses. America is in serious trouble today, and I believe that was made clear by the recent election. Candidates that should have won by dramatic margins actually lost. Americans have a tendency to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Leadership For Truth

Where Are the Voices of Truth and Liberty? A couple of items popped up on my computer this last week that made me wonder where we are as a Christian community and commitment. First I saw a local church in our community making a bold statement to their flock that said this: “…..Church will not […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Christian Vote

Analyzing The Turnout and The Issues This past election was called by many as “the most important election of our lifetime”. We’ve heard that before and maybe it is true. There is no doubt that if you are a Christian, you have felt the insanity in our government and our culture. If this election was […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Luna continues to mislead readers, GOP

I would like to say that I’m surprised by defeated GOP chairman Tom Luna’s last-minute op-ed attacking me, Bryan Smith, and Brent Regan regarding our donations to Idaho Freedom PAC. Unfortunately, I’m not. Tom has borne false witness against us, and now it’s up to us to set the record straight. Apparently his peace offering […]

Opinions / Op-eds

IPTV Interview with Ammon Bundy

I was recently interviewed by Idaho Public Television in their studio. They told me because Brad Little would not join their debate, they wanted to interview the governor candidates separately. I think you will find this interview one that you can easily share with your friends. Please take a look. I hope you enjoy watching it… […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What SJR 102 would do for Idaho and why it’s on your ballot

If Idaho’s framers wanted the governor to write laws and spend Idahoans’ money, they would have written those responsibilities into the Idaho Constitution—but they didn’t. Indeed, a major virtue of Idaho’s government is how it separates the executive and legislative branches with the principle of the Legislature as the law-writing and appropriating branch, and the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

OP-ED from Idaho Freedom PAC – Protect freedom: Vote yes on SJR 102

Imagine for a moment that an emergency comes up in Idaho. The governor of the state decides to wield unilateral power — to shut down the state’s economy, change laws with the stroke of a pen, and even appropriate millions of dollars from the federal government.  Imagine also that some local government agencies — cities, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Op-ed: Ammon Bundy sends shock waves through the political establishment

Ammon Bundy’s recent campaign ad that took on the “woke cult” has sent some shock waves through the political establishment. Bundy calls out the culture warriors who are systematically working to tear down the institutions and ideals on which our nation was founded. The ad has drawn strong reactions, including the predictable disapproval from the political left. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Planned Parenthood-backed sex ed is in these 14 schools

Reprinted with permission of the Idaho Freedom Foundation The Center for American Education has obtained a list of middle and high schools delivering Planned Parenthood-endorsed sex education curriculum known as Reducing the Risk (RTR) . According to the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (IDHW), six out of seven of Idaho’s public health districts implemented […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Medicaid quagmire is costing Idaho dearly

“War is hell,” as the saying goes. Every war comes with costs on and off the battlefield, especially wars fought when there is no intention of ever winning. President Lyndon Johnson’s “war on poverty” is such a war. It’s a welfare monstrosity with a 57-year history of collateral damage including families it was supposed to […]

Gem State Patriot News