Opinions / Op-eds

Our Children are the Future

Our children are the future. When we allow our children to be taught that their physical body is not the correct body for them, we are committing a crime against the future and against God.

Our precious babies should be free to live in a world where they can run, and play, where they can experience learning and exploration in an environment free from the political and cultural deviations that we are seeing today.

We may change the physical appearance of our children through transgender surgeries and therapies but their identity as God created them is not changed. 

Imagining gender is something that can be “assigned” by a medical professional is insanity. With a very rare exceptions, we are created and born either male or female. Biological males cannot naturally conceive, carry, or give birth to children. This is the role of a biological woman.

Christ Troupis Book

Gender is determined at conception; it is not an “assignment”.

The Idaho legislature in the past few years has taken steps to protect our children from transgender mutilation. The consequences are long term and are very serious. The health effects last a lifetime and should not be taken lightly. Children do not have the mental capacity to understand what these long-term challenges will be, I doubt that most adults can really know what the long-term challenges and expenses will be. I was told the other day that long term medical care for trans gendering will be above a million dollars in a lifetime. 

I am so proud of the legislators who have worked so hard to complete what we began to protect our children. There will be court challenges, just as we have seen with legislation to protect the preborn. But it is worth it to accept the challenges, to do whatever is necessary to guarantee that lives are not ruined in the search for that which does not exist.

I love the saying “God’s children are not for sale.” Though this is referring to sex trafficking of our children, the concept is the same with the transgender movement. Our children become dependent on the medical establishment for the rest of their lives. 

Our children are the future, we are better than this.

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One reply on “Our Children are the Future”

we are working on a bill to stop sex trafficking that will take any person do so out of the public for a period of 25-30 years fixed time.

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