
Ban: Boxes, Box Cutters, Pressure Cookers, Knives, Cars, Trucks, Fertilizer, Propane, Hammers, and Guns

I can hear the Diamond and Silk girls saying with tongue in cheek, “Oh ya honey, then we’d be as safe as folks living in Chicago on a Friday night because they have the strongest gun laws in the country. That’s right.” I also don’t hear anyone complaining about the fact that the Lone resource […]


The Right Way to Pay for It All or ‘Balancing the Budget, Done Right!’

OUR CONSTITUTION “Our Constitution was created to govern the Government, not the people, and not the states, each of which is a guardian of its own sovereignty. The central government was created with strictly limited powers leaving the states to compete with one another to become the best state, the one with the least amount […]


Report and Photos from the 5th Annual NWPOA Dinner

The North West Property Owners Alliance held its 5th Annual Dinner in Coeur d’Alene on Saturday, March 3rd. A very nice evening of being brought up-to-date on the most important issues confronting property owners in Idaho was enjoyed by all. NWPOA chairman and master of ceremonies Jeff Tyler introduced their board of directors and acknowledged […]


Where is an Effective U.S. Attorney General?

In all the sordid news we hear entirely too much of from the Justice Department investigating President Trump there’s hardly ever a word mentioned about Attorney General Jeff ‘I’m recused’ Sessions except maybe in passing because it seems he’s officially really recused, almost like in, ‘I don’t have to pay attention to anything that the […]


A Ruse is a Ruse is a Ruse!

The Russian indictment is a ruse! Russia has been plying their espionage trade since their beginning because obviously that’s what they do and we in kind also do the same because we must try to counter their efforts. So now, all of a sudden out of nowhere in the quiet world of clandestine affairs big […]


The DOJ is Entirely Too ‘Rosie’

Like in ‘Rosie’ Rosenstein. The Department of Justice (DOJ) seems to be all about his ACTIONS and PROPAGANDA. ROSENSTEIN’S ACTIONS • To start with the four FISA surveillance applications were signed by, in various combinations, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. So from the get-go he was in on […]


National ID Threatens Privacy, States’ Sovereignty and is Quest for Federal Control

Citizens need to know the facts and the real motives behind the relentless quest for a national ID that we are led to believe is so necessary to our national security. A national ID really is a scheme to collect data, surveille and control us so we can become more reliant socialists. If you find […]


Re: A Constitutional Convention

All That Matters is a Clear Understanding of Only Three Strong Points! There is so much frustration and utter disgust with how much is wrong in our government today it has become a perfect climate for the quick fix schemers advocating the answer to our various problems in an Article V Constitutional Convention by whatever […]


VIDEO: The Best Detailed Synopsis of FBI & DOJ Corruption

A must-see 31-minute video! In April of 2016, the FISA court issued a 99-page opinion which most people have never heard of. That opinion describes illegal activity by the FBI, illegal activity by contractors and it calls it the improper disclosure of raw intelligence about Americans to unauthorized individuals. All those things the bureau did […]


Nuke ‘Em Till They Sparkle

“The nuclear option (or constitutional option) is a parliamentary procedure that allows the United States Senate to override a rule – specifically the 60-vote rule to close debate – by a simple majority of 51 votes, rather than the two-thirds supermajority normally required to amend the rules. The option is invoked when the majority leader raises a point of order that only a simple […]


Why Mexico Needs to Pay for the Wall and How they are Already Starting to Pay

This photo is why Mexico has to pay for the wall. When you realize that Mexico is assuredly looking the other way and almost chaperoning many foreigners from Latin American countries south of them through Mexico to our border knowing full well they are going to cross into America illegally makes the Mexican government complicit […]


The Russ Fulcher Hive Is Thriving

Candidate for U.S. Representative for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, Russ Fulcher and his family. — From the Russ Fulcher campaign committee — Russ Fulcher meetings scheduled in North Idaho week of 1-21-2018: For anyone that would like to meet Russ Fulcher, here is a list of his activities in our area. This is a good […]

Gem State Patriot News