John Livingston News


I joined the Navy in 1973 only because I needed a way to pay for Medical School. I wasn’t necessarily patriotic. Growing up and going to college in Ohio I was exposed to the campus unrest and violent demonstrations on college campuses like Kent State and Oberlin and Antioch. Like most college kids the war […]

John Livingston News

Do You Believe in Miracles?

This is as good a time as any for me to address some concerns I have about the new mainstream narrative that goes something like this: “We are a divided country and we need a President that will unite us and bring us together” Does our President—in fact, all our military and legislators and government […]

John Livingston News

What is an Expert?

I watched with interest today Governor Little’s Press conference in which he declared that we would stay in phase 4 of our mitigation strategy for the next 2 weeks. During the Q&A it was implied that he had surrounded himself with experts, and other voices in the community were being listened to and this caused […]

John Livingston News

Lies and more Lies

Last Friday The CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics published its daily update on the current Covid-19 pandemic statistics. Much has been written and discussed in the media of the finding that 96% of Covid associated deaths were caused by underlying medical conditions. This fact in and of itself should be placed in proper context. […]

John Livingston News

Robber Barons and Busybodies

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own […]

John Livingston News

Let The Games Begin

Enough is enough already! I have heard it said by many in the news media and then repeated by family members mostly millennials, that we are in the midst of the greatest pandemic in our country’s history since The Spanish Flu”. Maybe in terms of absolute numbers, but not on a per capita bases. And […]

John Livingston News

Our Schools Need to be Opened

The overwhelming incontrovertible scientific evidence demonstrates that we should absolutely reopen our schools for pre-K to 12th grade and yet the Nation’s second largest teachers union The American Federation of Teachers is encouraging its membership to go on strike should schools reopen. Throughout the entire world and documented in the world’s medical, public health and […]

John Livingston News

Exceptionalism and “THE NATURAL LAW”

In a recent article in THE GEM STATE PATRIOT, the Rev. Phil DiGregorio presented an excellent discussion about “Natural Law” and its fundamental relationship to our founding principles. Early theological discussions about “Natural Law” can be found not only in the ancient Judeo Christian papyrus-for Christians most notably the New and Old Testaments, but concepts […]

John Livingston News

The Box

Is there really freedom of conscience and freedom of expression in our country today? Watching as groups identified with BLM and ANTIFA rampaging through our streets, and others who stand with them calling themselves non-violent and both groups invoking freedom of expression while property is destroyed and people are killed, begs asking the question is […]

John Livingston News

The Trump Mask

The scientific literature regarding the efficacy of face mask use as part of a strategy for COVID-19 mitigation is at best controversial. For me the one definite answer is if you want to protect yourself and others one must use a form-fitting N-95 mask. Prior to the current pandemic, I have been able to find […]

John Livingston News

Fig Plucking

There was an old saying in Ohio when people would keep doing something wrong or stupid, the act would be described as “fig plucking” The term came from the ditty with the refrain: “I’m not a fig plucker or a fig plucker’s son, but I’ll pluck figs till the fig plucker comes” Seems like there […]

John Livingston News

Now is The Time to Make a Stand

For a very brief moment in our country’s history, we were united. Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservatives, Blacks, and Whites. All were disgusted by the video showing a psychopathic cop murdering a handcuffed suspect while three other cops watched. The murder of George Floyd was soon politicized by groups that had little interest in national unity. […]

Gem State Patriot News