Opinions / Op-eds

Carbon Dioxide is Good for the Planet and Necessary for Life

Note: Carbon Dioxide is the gas of life. It is NOT a poison. COâ‚‚ is utilized by plants in the process of photosynthesis to produce the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe. The projects in the works nationwide are to remove COâ‚‚ from the atmosphere. This is a ludicrous, ridiculous waste of taxpayer […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Food Control is People Control

Greetings Senators Crapo and Risch; Representatives Simpson and Fulcher; Governor Little; Lt. Governor Bedke and the Idaho State Legislature: Please stop funding all wind and solar so-called green energy projects including wasteful Carbon Capture as they are not sustainable. Our farmers and ranchers are under attack from the United Nation’s Agenda 2030. Co-sponsor S. 3428 […]

Opinions / Op-eds

It’s Time to Defund Climate Change

Food control is people control. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the gas of life. Without it we would have NO food to eat or oxygen to breathe! The agenda to eliminate fossil fuels will result in starvation as wind and solar are NOT 24/7 sources of electricity. Production agriculture and industry cannot exist without fossil fuels. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Destructive Forest Mismanagement

Our Forests are Dying & Burning due to Poor Forest Management & the Ban on DDT Insecticide which Controlled Pine Beetles. Please work to restore DDT to stop the death & burning of our precious US Forest Service forests. DDT was used very safely to control Pine Beetles. Poor forest management of not allowing the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Vote No on Proposition 1 & Oppose Wind Turbines

VOTE NO ON PROPOSITION 1 to OPPOSE RANK CHOICE VOTING (RCV). Proposition 1 includes restoring an open Republican Primary where Democrats cross over and vote for the most liberal Republicans. The Republicans should choose their candidates and the Democrats should choose their candidates for the general election. RCV will allow crossover voting! The legislature passed […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Climate Change, the Big Lie

The Truth Will Set You Free (John 8:32) For the past 35 years, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has warned us that emissions from the burning of fossil fuels, predominantly carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing dangerous global warming. This myth is blindly accepted—even by many of my science colleagues who know […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Socialists and liberals want a second Constitutional Convention

It is a big lie that socialist George Soros and liberals oppose a Convention of States call from Idaho. If you believe that, then I have some beachfront property to sell you at Filer, which is west of Twin Falls along Highway 30. Soros and leftists would love to get their hands on our US […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Why No Constitutional Convention for 236 Years?

During the upcoming legislative session legislators will be under pressure to pass an Idaho Call for a Conference of States. This will lead to a second Constitutional Convention. Mark Meckler, Chairman of the Conference of States organization will try to persuade you that a Constitutional Convention is a good thing. Below are several great reasons […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Prevent Biometric Digital IDs

Nearly a Quarter of US States Introducing Biometric Digital IDs, Many Are Republican States Published August 24, 2023 by Leo Hohmann Journalist Leo Hohmann makes the case that both Democrats and Republicans are eager to advance the digital ID/ central bank digital currency (CBDC) recipe for globalist control. He wrote, “*Digital ID + CBDC = Total […]

Opinions / Op-eds

1,600 Scientists Oppose Man-Caused Climate Change

Greetings Senators Crapo and Risch; Representatives Simpson and Fulcher; Governor Little; Lt. Governor Bedke and the Idaho State Legislature: CC: Lisa Grow, CEO and president of Idaho Power: More and more scientists are opposing man-caused climate change due to Carbon Dioxide from fossil fuels. Now 1600 scientists have reinforced the 31,487 who previously opposed the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is the “WHO” Looking out for your Health or Theirs?

Please contact your elected officials (especially US Senators) to STOP the UN’s World Health Organization’s Pandemic Treaty. Once you read the following analysis you will realize this very bad treaty must not be ratified to stop nearly total WHO control over our lives. Greetings Senators Crapo and Risch; Representatives Simpson and Fulcher; Governor Little; Lt. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Fake End of the World

Please read and ask your elected officials to expose the climate change fraud. Thanks. Adrian Arp. Remember as President Washington said in 1794, “Truth will ultimately prevail where the pains is taken to bring it to light.”  Greetings Senators Crapo and Risch; Representatives Simpson and Fulcher; Governor Little; Lt. Governor Bedke and the Idaho State […]

Gem State Patriot News