Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Jones for Congress? We did some Homework for You

A perfect example of knowing a candidate is Nicholas Jones who runs Good Burger restaurants and is running against Congressman Fulcher in the republican primary. We decided to take a look at what Mr. Jones’ customers think of his Good Burger on YELP and were not surprised at the results. Most of the comments were […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed By Congressman Russ Fulcher: After 47 Years of Roe v Wade, It’s Time Congress Recognizes Its Victims

Every January since 1974, tens of thousands of Americans have gathered in our Nation’s Capital for the March for Life around the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. You might not be familiar with this event, as most mainstream media outlets give it little attention and have frequently misreported the number of […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Rep. Russ Fulcher’s Statement on the Impeachment of President Trump

“Today, a stain will be left on the history of the U.S. House of Representatives… one which neither fact nor time will be able to wipe clean. Like other blights on history, this one is self-induced by the selfish ambition of mankind. Having found themselves more desiring of power than service, the stewards of a […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Facts Speak for Themselves! OP-ED by Congressman Russ Fulcher

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is proceeding with impeachment charges against President Trump. As a member of Congress and an Idaho Representative, I understand the gravity of the situation. Every future U.S. President will be subject to the precedent Congress sets within the next few days. To remain objective, every time I review information I […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Commentary on the impeachment Hearing from Congressman Russ Fulcher

I spent some time personally witnessing today’s impeachment hearing. Here are some observations: What made today’s hearing interesting was not what happened “in” the hearing, but rather, what happened “around” it. Initial testimony from EU Ambassador Gordon Sondland captured attention when he said he “presumed” there was “quid pro quo”, insinuating the President put the […]


Rep. Russ Fulcher Announces Coeur d’Alene Office Move

COEUR D’ALENE, ID – Effective June 5th, Rep. Russ Fulcher will be moving his Coeur d’Alene office. The move, which changes suite number but remains in the same building, will not interrupt constituent services and will help the office meet the growing number of casework. The phone and fax numbers for the Coeur d’Alene office […]


PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Fulcher Supports Interior Action to Shine Light on Attorney’s Fees & Costs

May 29, 2019 Contact: Alexah Rogge 202-225-6611 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Fulcher joined the Western Caucus to applaud the Department of the Interior’s action to increase transparency and accountability in attorney’s fees and costs by making important information publicly available online: Rep. Russ Fulcher commented, “In Idaho, hundreds of thousands of acres of timber burn every […]


Op Ed: Gun Rights and Two New Background Check Bills

Question: What is the definition of a ‘criminal’? Answer: Someone who has committed a crime by breaking the law. With this understood, it seems sensible that creating additional laws to be ignored by criminals is not the solution to stopping crime and violence in our communities. These new laws would not only add to the […]

Endorsements News

2018 Idaho Republican Primary Endorsements from the Gem State Patriot

Representative for the 1st Congressional District: The Gem State Patriot proudly endorses former State Senator Russell Fulcher. We feel that Russ has been a guardian of conservative values during his 10 years in the Idaho Senate and indeed looks out for the little guy with his bill to enact the grocery tax credit to help […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is Michael Snyder Running Scared as he Steps up his Attacks on Fulcher?

In Typical Michael Snyder fashion, he is once again focusing on the only opponent that he has not been able to denigrate with his so-called Trumpesque rhetoric. Michael T. Snyder is a hopelessly deluded prepper who has started numerous blogs as a testament to his unfounded belief that the world is about to end. He […]


POLL: Who do you support in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District Race?

Idaho’s Primary Election will take place on May 15, 2018. Which of these Republican candidates do you support in Idaho’s 1st Congressional District Race? Your options are “Russ Fulcher,” “David Leroy,” “Luke Malek,” “Christy Perry,” “Michael Snyder,” “Nick Henderson,” “Other / Undecided.” If you select “Other / Undecided,” please leave a comment letting us know […]


The Russ Fulcher Hive Is Thriving

Candidate for U.S. Representative for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District, Russ Fulcher and his family. — From the Russ Fulcher campaign committee — Russ Fulcher meetings scheduled in North Idaho week of 1-21-2018: For anyone that would like to meet Russ Fulcher, here is a list of his activities in our area. This is a good […]

Gem State Patriot News