
Strange and Dangerous Times

A Cry for Sanity and a Call to Arms We live under various levels of martial law, on the account of a viral epidemic perceived, purported, and propagandised as a new ‘Great Plague’. Many of us now wear masks, and a fairly large number [certainly not a majority] wear eye protection and gloves as well. […]


The nine-dash line

Since 1947, China has claimed a huge chunk of the South China Sea, referring to the late Chairman Mao’s infamous and dubious nine-dash line. This line outlines the territories, islands, seas, and even countries that Mao Ze Dong claimed as ‘property of the party‘. In 2016, the U.N. Convention of the Sea and its affiliated […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

The Facts Speak for Themselves! OP-ED by Congressman Russ Fulcher

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is proceeding with impeachment charges against President Trump. As a member of Congress and an Idaho Representative, I understand the gravity of the situation. Every future U.S. President will be subject to the precedent Congress sets within the next few days. To remain objective, every time I review information I […]


President Biden? – The Creeping Desperation of a Divided Party

— Published with Permission of — The fawning over Joe Biden’s presidential run is doomed to keep the Democratic Party divided. Former vice president Joe Biden has all the looks of a man who will be running for president in 2020, according to observers. A report in The Hill states that Biden’s campaign stops on behalf of […]

Gem State Patriot News