
Patriots vs. GOP Wimps: AHCA ‘Partisanship’ Vote Bodes Healthcare Doom

FACT: The Democrat Party of old has been hijacked by ‘progressive’ far left crazies. FACT: The grand old party is almost saturated with reluctant-Trumpers and fools that don’t grasp the socialist dangers of ObamaCare’s government-controlling tentacles being left in the American Health Care Act (AHCA). Patriots should be calling them wimps! Rand Paul’s plea to […]


How to Solve the Healthcare Crisis in 5 Minutes

Liberals keep saying, “If Obamacare is so terrible, what is your solution.” Conservatives keep saying, “If the GOP replacement is so bad, what is your solution.” So, here’s the answer from a common sense, small businessman and S.O.B. (son of a butcher). Why does healthcare to be so complicated? Why is Obamacare 2000 pages long, […]


US Funding Dubious Science and Unfounded Fear

Eco-militants that defiled scientific integrity in government agencies defy corrections Donald Trump’s EPA is facing a tsunami of vitriol for trying to drain the DC swamp of rogue regulators that rule with made-to-order scientific lies and invented threats, such as its ruling that the carbon dioxide which makes life on Earth possible is a pollutant. […]


Let Trump Be Trump

Despite the best efforts of desperate, unhinged, hysterical liberals and the mainstream media (I know, I repeat myself), President Trump is doing just fine. He has around a 50% approval rating at Rasmussen (the most accurate pollster of 2016 election) and a perfect 4-0 record in special elections. You just can’t keep a good man down. […]


The Most Unpopular President Ever

Isn’t that what the polls say? Democrats and the mainstream media constantly quote polls reporting that Donald Trump is “the most unpopular president ever.” Funny how this “unpopular president” just keeps winning and winning and winning. 5-0. 100% winning. Undefeated. Perfect. That’s this “unpopular” president’s record in special Congressional elections since his November upset victory. That’s Trump’s […]


Definitive proof that Trump colluded with the Russians (Satire)

As an early Trump supporter, I originally dismissed the stories about potential collusion between Donald Trump and the Russians. However, I recently discovered indisputable evidence that there was, in fact, a very high level of collusion, not only between Trump’s inner circle and the Russians, but between the Russians and Donald Trump himself. An anonymous, […]


If Trump and GOP Were Attached to a Murder, What Would Media Say?

Our country has become a Banana Republic. Anything minor Trump does is leaked (a crime), taken out of context, hyped through the roof, and then turned into hysterical headlines by the media. The media turns an ordinary conversation by Trump (that every president has) into the biggest news story of the year. But if Democrats […]


Will You Allow the Crucifixion of President Donald Trump?

Famed actor and director Mel Gibson has written this script before. This is how the entire government and corrupt “powers that be” conspired against Sir William Wallace (of “Braveheart” fame). And against Jesus himself in “The Passion of Christ.” It didn’t end well either time for men who actually tried to speak for the people, […]


Culture Wars Part 1: Is The Left Losing Ground?

— Published with Permission of — Editor’s Note: This is the first in a three-part series on the culture war in America. You have heard it said many times: the left is winning the culture war. It is something you hear from both liberals and conservatives. It is not an unreasonable supposition – the […]


Ann Coulter and the White Flag

Recently the Daily Caller had an article in which Ann Coulter stated that “she’s ready to jump ship”. I’m very disappointed in Ann Coulter. You cannot erase 8 years—10 if you count the years Dems controlled congress under Bush—in less than 6 months. Trump is the President, not a dictator. The things he can do […]


Firing Comey Is a Good Start… Now Fire Acting FBI Director McCabe

Perhaps liberals still don’t understand. Maybe they are blind, deaf and very dumb. Maybe ignorance is bliss. But conservatives (like me) elected Donald Trump to drain the swamp. We have witnessed the conflicts of interest, double dealing, crony capitalism and corruption in DC at every turn, at every federal agency. We all saw FBI Director […]


Trumped-Care: If At First You Don’t Fail, Try, Try Again

— Published with Permission of — We previously discussed the fraud that has been “repeal and replace” ObamaCare. That fraud was rightly killed by the more conservative members of the House. Now Republican leadership has tweaked the fraud enough to convince enough of the holdouts to go “yea.” Now the House has passed a slightly modified […]

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