
Trump Is Looking To Add One Hispanic-American

This morning I heard on TV and over the Internet that President-Elect Trump is still looking for a USDA director, preferably Mexican. Apparently, Mr. Trump holds the mistaken idea that aptitudes for agriculture, ranching and timber industries are inherited in the genes, in need of diversity consideration. Does he have any inkling of the qualification […]


Non-Perfect Trump Is Perfect for Our Time

Donald Trump is the right leader for today’s patriots who are ‘Fed Up’ with Big Government’s extreme overreach of its enumerated powers dissolving our freedoms and commerce with overwhelming quantities of new laws, regulations and taxes. Our commerce cannot compete in a world market of competitors who operate without these overwhelming constraints. Although not perfect, […]


Dear President-Elect Trump & Transition Team: Rethink Zinke

As President of the Mission Valley Republican Women’s Club (MVRWC, Ronan, Montana), I write on behalf of our organization regarding conflicting concerns about the appointment of Montana Congressman Ryan Zinke as Secretary of Interior. As strong Republicans, we surely want to support this appointment. However, as described in the information we offer below, and the […]


A Very Trump Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, and up in the tower, The Donald reflected on his newfound power. The conservative masses had come out in force, And delivered a victory that would chart a new course. The snowflakes were shell-shocked with tears in their eyes, The media lied to them . . . what a surprise. […]


Why Ryan Zinke will Expand Federal control as Interior Secretary

Montana U.S. Representative Ryan Zinke’s appointment as U.S. Secretary of the Interior by President Elect Donald Trump must be stopped. Montana U.S. Representative Zinke, U.S. Senator Daines, U.S. Senator Tester, Governor Bullock and AG Fox are all holding hands with the feds and the Montana reservation tribes NOT THE MAJORITY OF THE MONTANA PROPERTY OWNERS […]


Update on Congressman Ryan Zinke’s List of Works on behalf of Tribes

This is not good for those of us fighting for our rights! We have to find a way to stop this appointment. I am not sure what that is but focused prayer is the only thing I can think of immediately Hi Folks, you may want to share this widely with your email lists and […]


Dear Donald, Stop Picking Winners and Losers, Please

Cut Taxes, All the Regulations and Energy Costs Possible, Negotiate Good Trade Agreements and Quit the Subsidy Insanity No one wants to see Pres. Elect DJT succeed more than yours truly. Mr. Trump’s, Carrier Air Conditioning project served as a useful tool to make a statement while saving some jobs, but should not be implemented […]


Anti-Trump Activists Threaten Presidential Electors

— Published with permission from The New — Twenty-two-year-old Michael Banerian, a political science major at Oakland University, and one of Michigan’s 16 electors, has received death threats from individuals who do not want him to cast his vote for Republican Donald Trump. Since Trump has apparently won Michigan, all 16 electors are Republicans. […]


Hammerdown — Justice is Overdue

Justice is Overdue for Corrupt Politicians, Federal Agencies, the Lying Media, Hollywood Propagandists, Socialist Professors and George Soros Pursuit of corruption in government by law enforcement and the legal profession is grossly overdue. America’s lawyerly world has evolved into one of an extreme ‘Legal Cafeteria Plan’ type environment that has been woven into our legal […]


Our Trumptastic Americans

Donald Trump is already starting to change his positions, like ‘the wall’ is becoming a ‘fence’ in some places now, he is being smooshed into stating that some parts of ObamaCare might remain and so on… We understand how eager he is to reach across the aisle to get things done, but as I have […]


Changing Direction with Trump

With Trump’s victory last night, hopefully he has forestalled the slow steady decline we’ve witnessed over the last few decades of our Second Amendment and our other God-given civil rights listed in the US Constitution, the supreme law of our lands. We have all have been watching and felt the erosion. We are not alone […]


Electors to Be Bought Off? It’s More Than a Possibility

Given the barrage of Wikileaks’s undeniable original source facts about Hillary, the high level of awareness of most of the vote cheating schemes being dealt with and Donald Trump’s recent discipline to stay on the prompter while continuing his relentless schedule I believe he will win the popular vote. The overwhelming amount of corruption exposed […]

Gem State Patriot News