
Here’s How President Trump Can Save America and the GOP

It’s no secret that I believe we have a big problem in America. We have lost “election integrity.” It’s no secret that I believe massive voter fraud is going on across America—with Democrats winning races based on mysterious, magical ballots appearing out of nowhere. It’s no secret I believe illegal aliens are voting in large […]


Mueller’s legal terrorism threatens a free press

— Published with Permission of — President Trump’s failure to fire Russia-gate prosecutor Robert Mueller has resulted in pro-Trump journalist Jerome Corsi facing financial ruin and imprisonment as a result of Mueller’s tactics of legal terrorism. But Corsi has now made a smart move, hiring combative attorney Larry Klayman to take the fight to Mueller. Klayman may save […]


The Marxist plan for a one-party state is on track

— Published with Permission of — “We are facing a communist revolution in America,” says analyst Trevor Loudon, as a real “blue wave” enabled the national Democratic Party to pick up as many as 40 House seats, hold the Senate Republicans to 52 seats or so, and is now threatening to put conservative states […]


Foreign Group Interferes in Midterm Elections

Who’s helping Democrats steal elections? Is it Russia, or is it Mexico? Actually, it doesn’t even matter. Even if no foreign power is helping, elections are being stolen by the worst foreign group of all—liberals. They are “foreign” to everything true American patriots believe in—American exceptionalism, patriotism, capitalism, Judeo-Christian values and perhaps most importantly, election integrity. It’s […]


The Obama/Soros machine beats Trump

— Published with Permission of — The election results are hardly the “great victory” claimed by President Trump. Republicans picked up a few seats in the Senate only because unpopular Democrats were up for re-election in conservative states, and lost the House. However, conservative Senator Ted Cruz barely survived in Texas, and the Republican […]


Trump Was the Biggest Winner

I always tell the raw truth. I don’t back down. I just say what’s on my mind and let the chips fall where it may. Here’s the raw truth about Tuesday’s election: the winners and losers. Winner #1: President Trump. Liberals won’t understand this one. But they will soon… Trump pulled off a miracle. He became only […]


Still the smartest guy in the room

Well, whaddaya know? In the midterm elections of November 6, 2018, the American people rewarded the president – for only the third time in almost a hundred years – with a net gain of three and possibly four Senate seats, lost half the House seats that his predecessor lost, and left the radical left-wing Democrats […]


The Anti-trump Riots are a Smoke Screen, The Real Goal – Eliminate The Electoral College

— Published with Permission of — Many seem bewildered by the anti-Trump riots and demonstrations that have covered the nation since the 2016 election. And many keep trying to find a reasonable response. Give it up. You can’t reason with them with words. Here is my take. They know full well that they aren’t […]


Trump Order Will Invite Lawsuits, But Can They Succeed?

— Published with Permission of — As expected, the leftist, anti-Trump media collapsed in a conniption when they learned the president meant what he said when he told the tsunami of migrants headed through Mexico to go home. The president is preparing, the leftist media reported, to close the border, pursuant to his authority, as The New […]


Attacks on Trump Echo Smears of John Birch Society

— Published with Permission of — “Done to death by slanderous tongues, Was the Hero that here lies.” — Much Ado About Nothing, William Shakespeare “O Lord, deliver my soul from wicked lips, and a deceitful tongue.” — Psalm 120:2 Slanderous tongues and wicked lips, unfortunately, have been a fact of life in our fallen world from […]


Lock Them Out!

President Trump and I have a lot in common. Ask liberal publications across America that tried to slander me last week by noting how much President Trump and myself have in common. They called us both all kinds of vile names. The Daily Beast said it best, “And in many ways, Root is the Las […]


Prote$ter$ Are All about Being Paid, Know Very Little

Who isn’t absolutely fed up with the overwhelming displays of shrill and even violent protestations being aired non-stop in our media by the paid usurpers of the far left? They are paid handsomely to raise hell with any elected official not in their camp of Alinsky-like comrades, and always show up on time, with professionally […]

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