Bob's Words of Wisdom

How did we get here? A walk-through History

Everyone seems to ask the same question “How did we get to where we are with the wokeness, Critical Race theory, gender orientation, and the general discourse with most Americans? It is almost as if we were back in the 1800s just before the Civil War. There is so much conflict in our country that […]

John Livingston

Proven Science can’t be changed by Legislation

I am always surprised when a ruling coming from the Eastern District of California in the IX US District Court is one that I agree with. Wisdom and fidelity to the Founding Principles and our Constitution seem to be in short supply in our country, but especially in California. There does appear to be a […]

John Livingston

And Now for the Rest of the Story

There is so much political NOISE in the world today that one of my great fears is that the great majority of people in our State and country will just “turn it off”. What would happen if there was a day where there just wasn’t any news? Would all the news channels just sign off […]

John Livingston

Experts and Bookies

Last night the college football season ended with an almost silent squeal in the night. They say it was the same sound as when a “Horned Frog” gets its life squeezed out of its’ body. Georgia dominated TCU (Texas Christian University) —I didn’t know that there were any Christian Universities left in the country. It […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What happened to “My Body My Choice”?

Two Years of Stupid While a very popular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill stopping vaccine mandates with few exceptions, in Idaho one of the supposedly Reddest of the Red States continues to have our natural rights violated. Where was our governor when mandates were issued by hospitals and corporations to defend the citizens […]

John Livingston

Patients Suffer When Doctors and Reporters Don’t do their Homework

“The Idaho Board of Medicine did not review records before closing a complaint that alleged that Dr. Ryan Cole was providing substandard care to Covid 19 patients”. This was the first sentence in an article by Audrey Dutton in the Idaho Gazette on December 21st. Mrs. Dutton is a talented well-educated journalist with numerous awards […]

John Livingston

Are Today’s Hospitals Big Business or Quality Healthcare?

Over twenty years ago I first was introduced to the concepts of “asymmetry, agency, and scale” while visiting my son’s finance class during parents’ weekend at Gonzaga. The teacher of the class, Mr. Kent Hickman was one of the authors of the textbook FOUNDATIONS OF CORPORATE FINANCE that is used even today at many colleges […]


Idaho Victims of Pandemic Policy and Law

Actual Accounts by Victims of Covid Policies in Idaho The video you are about to see are actual accounts of victims affected by policies related to the Covid emergency by various factions in our state government and in some cases the CDC. It is important to understand what actually happened to many of Idaho’s citizens […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The 15-Minute Walk

As the United Nations (UN) and World Economic Forum (WEF) continue to chip away on getting people to move into cities and live in stacked, small apartments, the end goal is to limit the ability to move about freely and have full surveillance over them. Cities are being designed to provide everything one needs within a 15″ walk. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Next Pandemic

Just like Event 201, the corona virus exercise held two months prior to the corona virus pandemic, another exercise held October 23, 2022, again sponsored by Bill Gates and Johns Hopkins, was held in Brussels, Belgium, called the “Catastrophic Contagion”. This exercise is the fifth in creating a ruthless plan to bring fear and tyranny […]

John Livingston

Legalized Corruption in Government Sponsored Medical Care

Who will Stop the Corruption, Malfeasance and Complicity? Two items crossed my computer screen this morning within minutes of each other. One was an e-mail from an Idaho State Legislator complaining about my use of the word “corruption”. He believed by my describing many of the processes that occur in our state government in the […]

John Livingston

Skin in the Game

Successful people in any walk of life understand that it is more difficult to deal with success than it is with failure. It has been proven statistically that if a good golfer makes a birdie on a hole, the chance of the next hole being a bogey is increased. Great businessmen know that the moment […]

Gem State Patriot News