
The COVID-19 ‘Conspiracy Theory’

Fingers are always being pointed to anyone who challenges the questionable information that pours from media outlets. Anything that does not conform to the narrative and selected messaging is automatically attributed to “conspiracy” theorists. But what do those accusers say when the conspiracy filth is pouring from their own mouths? In October, 2019, corporations, governments, […]

John Livingston News

‘The Road to Coronavirus Hell Was Paved By Evangelicals’

So writes Katherine Stewart in an editorial in today’s New York Times “The Road To Coronavirus Hell Was Paved By Evangelicals”. So writes Katherine Stewart in an editorial in today’s New York Times. At best, Ms. Stewart is only flaunting her ignorance of the Western World’s march to modernity. At the worst, she is a […]

John Livingston News

A Physicians Perspective on the Coronavirus Crisis

I don’t agree with the experts so much on this. My bottom line is that the Public Health Community deals with demographics and statistics and not individual patients. Classically there are three public health strategies to take care of a pandemic: 1. Let it run its course like Italy. Lots of deaths early on, the entire […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Never let a Crisis go to Waste

Reclaim Idaho’s new ballot initiative for higher taxes must be stopped It’s time to put a halt to Reclaim Idaho’s ballot initiative to raise a heavy tax burden on Idaho businesses for the purpose of pouring more money into our education system. These are the same people who ran the Medicaid expansion initiative that cost […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Liberal Media more Dangerous than the Coronavirus

Use common sense and don’t believe everything you hear The hysteria being brought about by the liberal media is nothing short being an enemy of the people and trying to destroy our country by causing a panic. They have pulled out all the stops in an effort to make our president look like someone totally […]

John Livingston News

About “COVID-19”

Hysteria and panic are forms of fear and fear is an irrational emotion. As more test kits become available, more people will test positive with the implication that the disease is spreading faster than it actually is. The real question is not how many people have actually mounted an immune response, but how many people […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself

I would like to remind people that the 1968 flu pandemic killed an estimated one million people worldwide. The flu is not Ebola; it is a disease we have lived with for many years. The flu virus was first isolated in 1933, but it is estimated that the flu has been around for 500 years. […]

Gem State Patriot News