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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 30

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.


Will GOP Use Kerry’s “We Didn’t Know” NAFTA Defense on TPP?

— This article is reprinted in part with the permission of The New American magazine — After voting for “Fast Track” for NAFTA and then for NAFTA itself, then-Senator John Kerry (shown in pink tie) professed total surprise when a NAFTA court trampled U.S. state laws and overruled U.S. courts — precisely as this magazine […]


WikiLeaks Publishes Key Chapter of Secret TPP Agreement

— This article is reprinted with the permission of The New American magazine — On November 13, 2013, WikiLeaks released to the Internet what appears to be a portion of the secretly negotiated draft version of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. Although the entire agreement reportedly runs over 1,000 pages and covers nearly every conceivable […]


What Good Would A Con-Con Do?

According to the Freedom Index, found in the New American magazine, our federal elected representatives have a long way to go toward voting for legislation, based on the Constitution. The Freedom Index chooses the 40 most important pieces of legislation and determines how each congressman votes for or against the Constitution on each of those […]

John Livingston News

Crony Capitalism

It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican or a Democrat—a liberal or a conservative—or if you live or do business in Boise, Idaho or Washington D.C. The impact of a very few special interest groups that represent a small minority of citizens can have significant ramifications on our future growth and our quality of […]


We have one year to change America’s future

The future of America will not be determined in the 2016 elections. It will be determined in the 2016 primaries. Conservative candidates cannot win a general election if they are not the party’s nominee. As such, we have one year to accomplish our goal … electing conservative nominees. It will take a concerted effort, but […]


Jihad Idaho: why it can happen here and how to be ready

September 11, 2001 was a day which mirrors December 7, 1941. An unexpected attack by an increasingly aggressive Japan caught the Pacific Fleet off-guard. The Commander, Admiral Kimmel had been responding to war warnings which were vague,and regular patrols were constant. Most Naval historians readily admit that Peal Harbor’s anchorage offers a risky place to […]


What’s wrong with Idaho’s education system and what can we learn from a successful private school?

Two months ago we had an opportunity to visit The Ambrose School. This is a private not for profit Traditional Christian school with about 400 students from K-12. When we first drove onto the school grounds you would think your were visiting some billionaire’s Tudor Mansion, yet upon entering the doorway we were amazed by […]


Analysis of Legislative Committee Report on the State Acquiring Title to and Control of Federal Public Lands in Idaho

In 2013 the Idaho legislature approved House Concurrent Resolution (HCR) 21 and HCR 22. These resolutions authorized appointment of an Interim Legislative Committee to complete a study on the process of the State of Idaho acquiring title to and control of public lands in our State. That ten-member committee met during the legislative interims in […]


Unconditional Surrender

A word of caution about Utah Rep. Ken Ivory. Instead of enforcing the Constitution, he wants to open it up for revision by initiating the first national constitutional convention since 1787. However, the Constitution doesn’t need to be changed; office-holders who violate or fail to enforce the Constitution need to be changed. Enforcing the Constitution […]


Young Americans for Liberty Utah State Convention

Friend, In just one week we’re hosting the YAL Utah State Convention. Register today. It’s so simple and free!


Freedom of the Press? Equal Access? Not in Idaho’s State House

A few weeks ago I went to our State Capitol Building to see about acquiring capitol correspondent credentials or basically a press pass for the capitol, for the Gem State Patriot. I walked into the “Press Room” and there were several reporters busy typing on their computers. Betsy Russell saw me standing there and recognized […]

Gem State Patriot News