
What Will Really Happen in a Constitutional Convention?

In this beyond highly politicized world today, who in their right mind would believe convention delegates would send the results to state legislators for endless debate and legal challenges lasting months or maybe years for such ratification? Or would you believe they would select like-minded delegates for ‘safe’ special ratifying conventions with hand-picked members, all […]


The Big Question: How Will Our ‘A’ Team Vote On TPP?

Will Senators Risch and Crapo and Congressmen Labrador and Simpson vote to retain America’s sovereignty and independent negotiating strengths or will we be surrendered to the demands of globalists. That is the question in the life or death vote for our Republic’s future awaiting their decisions on the looming Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) vote. Real […]


In Memorial to LaVoy Finicum, ‘A Real American’

I cherish several great pictures of LaVoy. My favorite is LaVoy sitting astride his horse with his flag stretched out in the wind above the Bundy Ranch standoff. While both sides had their rifles aimed at each other, there was LaVoy, a lone cowboy with his hat off, head bowed. LaVoy gave America an alternative, a silent, powerful visual to all who […]


2016 Legislative Session – Up and Running

The first three weeks of the 2016 legislative session are in the books. As usual, it is a very busy time. Week one began with the Legislative Session being officially opened and the Governor delivering his State of the State address to a joint session of the Idaho Legislature. The Governor was bold in his […]


Correcting the Centralized Government’s Tyranny over WE THE PEOPLE and the States

The last three years of a supposedly conservative, yet ineffective, Republican majority in Congress has made it abundantly evident that Congress will never rein in the power and scope of the federal government or end its wasteful spending. The U.S. Constitution provides a mechanism for the people, via the states, to impose restraint on the […]


Obama’s Muslim Spin and Some Facts

Today is February 12, 2016 and it’s the day after another attack by those quintessential Americans that are woven into the very fabric of America and without whom, George Washington would only be known for growing hemp. You know the ones, those refugees from Muslim nations. Yeah, the ones President Obama said Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin […]


Native Tribes – Pawns of Agenda 21 – Part 3

Agenda 21, Chapter 26 is titled “Recognizing And Strengthening The Role Of Indigenous People And Their Communities”. That was in 1992. It is stunning how these goals have been implemented and advanced since that time. The United Nations (UN) has defined indigenous people as self-identified, pre-colonial and pre-settler, with a strong link to resources, distinct […]


Do our public schools and colleges honor the 1st Amendment or any other part of the Constitution?

On February 24, 1969, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 7-2 that students do not “shed their constitutional rights to freedom of speech or expression at the schoolhouse gate (Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 U.S. 503).” This effects both high schools and colleges. The Court ruled that the First Amendment applied to […]


Destruction of Western Civilization – The President’s Gun Speech

Hello! This is Darrell Castle. Today, I will begin a discussion of Western civilization, how its destruction happened, and what that means for us in today’s world. As a backdrop for what has happened to the rule of law in America, I will use the President’s recent speech that he made on guns. The rule […]


Destruction of Western Civilization – The Common Law

Hello! This is Darrell Castle. Today we’re going to continue our discussion of “how the rule of law in Western civilization met its demise in the west, and how that’s a terrible thing from which the United States may never recover.” I was going to use the president’s State of the Union speech as a […]


Art Macomber, Candidate for Dist. 4 House Seat, to Speak to Hayden Area Tea Party on Wed, Feb 17th

Attorney, Art Macomber will speak to the Hayden Area Tea Party at 6:30 PM at the Hayden Library as a Republican candidate for Dist. 4 House Seat currently held by Rep. Luke Malek on Wednesday, Feb. 17th @ 6:30 PM. Macomber is Managing Attorney of Macomber Law, PLLC, a Coeur d’Alene law firm specializing in […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 51

Welcome to Volume 51 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Legislature Throws Crumbs to the Taxpayers in Tax Reform Bill by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer Once again […]

Gem State Patriot News