
Rapacious Feds

DEMAND TRUE STATE SOVEREIGNTY Remove Colonial Status from the Western States A basic economic fact teaches that all new wealth springs from the ground, whether grown or mined. America has been blessed with amazingly abundant natural resources, plus the freedom to access and develop them. From the beginning, this combination set us apart, propelling America […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Senator Hagedorn Knows Best about Article V Convention?

In a 5 to 4 vote, Idaho’s Senate panel voted in favor of an Article V constitutional Convention. There were 25 participants who testified before the panel but to no avail, as Senator Hagedorn, the leader of this Rat Pack, said all of his opponents are misinformed, claiming he met with national experts (He never […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Sucking off the Government Teat

In a recent article written by Dustin Hurst of the Idaho Reporter, he talked about J. Kirk Sullivan a member of the PERSI Board who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and how he has spent over $14,000 of our taxpayer money for travel expenses. Mind you this money comes out of the State Employees Retirement Fund. […]


Malheur II – Judge Stops Reporter From Testifying

— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News — In January 2016, former OPB reporter John Sepulvado, now with KQED in California, interviewed protest leader Ryan Bundy about the “hard stand” taken at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Prosecutors wanted to call Sepulvado to the stand to authenticate the interview and have it admitted into evidence. Attorney Duane A. […]


BLM Agent Daniel P. Love Named in Investigation

— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News — The truth is being revealed, as we all prayed that it would. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Agent Daniel P. Love has been breaking the law for years. Using and abusing his authority to run his own personal fiefdom. Bullying citizens until they commit suicide. All while believing he […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Editorial on Castle Doctrine Bill

Coming to the Idaho State Legislature to represent the people of District 23 and the people of the state has been an honor. I have had opportunity to learn so much. One of the opportunities that I cherish the most was being asked by citizens from all over the state to carry the Castle Doctrine […]


Stop Paid Anarchists by Cutting off the Head

Almost nothing infuriates us more than having something blatantly stolen from us. Like having our peaceful existence and freedoms stolen from us by young street violent anarchist thugs who are in our face interrupting our natural and lawful rights and breaking things. Even worse than the anarchists’ violations of our liberties and damaging our property […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Swamp Master Bedke Meets the Gator

We have been wondering when the Heather Scott story would come full circle back to Speaker Bedke and thanks to Redoubt News we now have the bigger picture of how morally corrupt the leadership of our legislature is. We had said that the Speaker doth protest too much. Now that the shoe is on the […]


Exposing the Truth about Idaho’s Morally Bankrupt Legislative Leadership

— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News — For over a month Speaker Bedke and other members of leadership have been railing on Rep. Heather Scott for remarks she made to Judy Boyle on December 1st. 2016. These remarks had to do with her frustration at Rep. Christy Perry receiving a committee chairmanship after scandalous headlines about […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Student Protest against Betsy DeVos is a Product of Apathetic Parents

The student protest against Betsy DeVos at the capitol yesterday is nothing more than a product of their parents allowing our education system to be taken over by the government many years ago. Education used to be run locally in a time when parents used to belong to the PTA and attend school board meetings […]


Obama’s ‘Trump Saboteurs’ at OFA Boasts 30,000 Paid Agitators & Opening 250 Offices across America

‘Organizing for America’ (OFA) is the platform for the most dangerous man in American politics, our former Liar-in-Chief, failed President with the socialists’ mouth that won’t shut up, Trojan Horse President with no records to show for prior to his presidency and lastly a man with a legacy he can’t run from as a result […]


Starbucks CEO is Hypocrite of Highest Order

Liberals lie. Liberals are hypocrites. It used to be shocking and embarrassing. Now their lies and hypocrisy are downright dangerous to all of us. Exhibit A is Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks. He is a longtime liberal Democrat contributor. Starbucks CEO will support Obama for another term He is a veteran Trump hater. Starbucks CEO […]

Gem State Patriot News