
Senate swamp creatures playing politics with public lands management

— Published with Permission of — The Department of Interior is charged with creating and implementing policies governing America’s public lands, energy and mineral resources, waters, etc. But without expedient confirmation of Trump’s nominees, the department remains moored in the previous administration’s quicksand of big government overreach. Department of Interior (DOI) Secretary, Ryan Zinke, sent […]


President Trump’s Federal Election Fraud Commission

This is a quick heads-up that I ask each of you to circulate to anyone who may have information about election irregularities on Indian reservations. The email addresses noted below are to President Trump’s (nine-member) Federal Election Fraud Commission, chaired by Vice-President Pence. This is a commission that has reached out to the public to […]


Election Issues on Indian Reservations

How is it possible — from the standpoint of legality and/or (at the very least) fairness — for Indian reservation residents (both tribal members and lessees) to publicly vote on local property tax issues that, because of 100% property tax exemption by statute, they experience virtually no tax liability for payment given successful levy election […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Inconvenient Truth about Mass Shootings, Drugs, and Misinformation

Just about every mass shooting that has taken place in the past twenty years, along with many instances of isolated shootings and suicide, inconveniently share one thing in common. No, it’s not guns. The evidence is overwhelming: and points to the single biggest common denominator in all of these shootings, all of the perpetrators were […]


Why ‘Innocent Until Proven Guilty’ Matters More than Ever

What we are seeing today is the normalization of a disturbing trend which has been slowly growing over the last couple of decades: The wholesale destruction of lives and careers through rumors, speculation, and salacious gossip spread by a partisan, agenda-driven media machine. It takes no proof and no real evidence for this character assassination […]


Open Letter to Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke

I truly believe that there is not a human being alive today within any federal agency or on the Planet Earth — regardless of expertise, IQ or experience — who can accurately predict with any certainty whatsoever, the outcome of the devastation of four destroyed dams. Destruction of these dams will be the guaranteed equivalent […]


We’ve Had Fake News, Now We May Have a Fake ‘Deal’

It appears that signing any tax bill coming out of this Congress should be called not a deal, but a fake deal! If so, the GOP will commit political suicide. It’s doubtful that the tax bill will be successful with Mitch McConnell running the show. He is an establishment obstructionist, can’t be trusted and must […]


Trump Was Right! UN Admits Paris ‘Climate’ Scheme Is Useless

— Published with Permission of — It turns out that President Donald Trump was right, after all. The United Nations finally admitted last week what virtually every sensible observer had already realized. In short, the so-called UN “Paris Agreement” pretending to battle alleged man-made global warming will make no real difference in the global climate, even […]


A Hidden Scandal Worse Than Uranium One

— Published with Permission of — Our friends at the Center for Security Policy have issued one of their “occasional papers” on a scandal that we think is worse and more threatening to national security than the Uranium One scandal through which Hillary Clinton and Obama transferred 20 percent of America’s uranium to Russia. […]


Judicial tyrants strike a blow against Cliven Bundy

— Published with Permission of — Larry Klayman decries judge’s action on jury selection in rancher’s trial In the years, months, and days before the signing of the Declaration of Independence in my native city of Philadelphia, on July 4, 1776, King George III, having issued one unjust if not illegal edict after another, having […]


With Justice for All?

Nothing should be taken more solemnly by Americans than our Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. However, the last three words to that serious oath ‘justice for all,’ today, are left begging for relevance. Most of us, upon hearing those words think of justice to mean fairness. As justice has evolved in […]


NY Times Promotes Antifa-Communist Nov. 4 Coup Effort Against Trump

“This Nightmare Must End: THE TRUMP/PENCE REGIME MUST GO!” So declare the opening lines of a full-page advertisement in the New York Times promoting mayhem and insurrection for this Saturday, November 4. “Nov. 4 It Begins,” the ad continues. “Join with the thousands who will gather in cities and towns across the country. A movement of protests […]

Gem State Patriot News