
Progressives Devolving

It’s easy to deride the aberrant behavior of the leftists we’ve been unhappily witness to, both over the course of the presidential campaign and particularly since Donald J. Trump ascended to the presidency on November 8th, 2016. After all, they’ve never recovered from the Bush v Gore race of 2000! But as a wise neighbor […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

The Decline of Respect for Moral and Ethical Values in America

With few exceptions, every aspect of American life is in decay: You should have all heard the news by now that our representatives in Washington have a fund for the purpose of paying for sexual harassment complaints. If this doesn’t raise the ire of every American, then we don’t know what will. This is just […]


A.G. Sessions: Inept or Establishment ‘Deep Mole’?

Truly, where’s the Justice? After a year of not prosecuting even one of the myriad list of existing documented violations of law by Teflon Democrats that are never reported on by the mainstream ‘Fake News’ media, we must now demand to know why they are never prosecuted. Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions fecklessly not up […]


McConnell is an Establishment Facilitator

TAKE HIM TO THE DOOR! If you saw the movie “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou,” you will remember the scene in this photo where the character Homer Stokes (an underhanded scheming gubernatorial candidate) after accidentally revealing he actually belonged to a secret society (the KKK), so sickened town hall attendees that a group of men […]


Canadian Couple Denied Adoption Because They Oppose Homosexuality

— Published with Permission of — An evangelical Christian couple in Alberta, Canada, has taken the provincial government to court, charging that they were denied the right to adopt a child because of their conviction that homosexual behavior is a sin. As reported by Canada’s National Post, the unnamed couple said that they had initially […]


Restoration Of The Rule Of Law: Sessions Ends Obama-Era Backdoor Law Making

— Published with Permission of — Last Friday, in an action to further uphold the rule of law in the executive branch, Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo prohibiting the Department of Justice from issuing guidance documents that have the effect of adopting new regulatory requirements or amending the law. The memo prevents […]


My answers to the Young Patriots for Liberty

— Published with Permission of — Recently, a group of young people from an organization called Young Patriots For Liberty (YPL) asked to interview me. I was happy to oblige. I am always excited when I see young people getting involved in the political process – especially Christian young people. So, I am going to […]


Bombshell: Have Roy Moore’s Main Accuser’s Claims Been Debunked?

— Published with Permission of — She has been Judge Roy Moore’s most damning accuser, but now people “who were there when” have come forward to make us wonder if the allegations are damned lies. Yet the national media refuse to cover the story. Flanked by fame-seeking feminist attorney Gloria Allred, Beverly Young Nelson […]


Video: Elaine Willman on the Intentional Unsettling of the West

Photos by Rich Loudenback: Elaine Willman was recently invited to speak to the Bonner County Republican Women in Ponderay, Idaho. Elaine spoke on federal Tribal issues, un-regulated voting, on reservations, Avista/Hydro One, the silicone smelter and more. This in-depth video of that speech is riveting and a is must watch for patriots concerned with our […]


Idaho Fish & Game Evolving To Corporatism

In 2007 the Western Governors Association (WGA) created the policy Resolution 07-01, Protecting Wildlife Migration Corridors and Crucial Wildlife Habitat in the West” which has since been scrubbed from their website. The purpose was “to strengthen the protection of wildlife migration corridors and crucial wildlife habitat in the west.” Subsequently, in 2008, the Wildlife Corridors […]


Shocker: New York Times Writes Positive Article on Roy Moore

— Published with Permission of — The New York Times’ motto “All the news that’s fit to print” long ago became “All the news that fits our slant.” Thus it is perhaps shocking that the paper is running an article today painting GOP Senate hopeful Roy Moore in a positive light. Maybe it wasn’t meant that […]

News Podcast

PODCAST: Sen. Russ Fulcher and Dr. Michael Karlfeldt

This week’s Healthy Conclusions podcast includes Sen. Russ Fulcher from Meridian Idaho who is running for Idaho’s 1st Congressional District seat and the distinguished Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, a traditional Naturopath who runs the successful Integrative medical clinic in Meridian. They were on this week’s show to discuss the opioid crisis.

Gem State Patriot News