Bob's Words of Wisdom

Assault from Within

In the past week, we have seen the ugliness of politics and how they are used to grab power and hold on to it for long periods of time. Just this past week several prominent independent journalists Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, and Alex Gutentag have released information that should shake the very foundation of our […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

America has become a Rudderless Ship with an Incompetent Captain

Joe Biden’s Mental State is a Danger to our Country: As we end another week of political turmoil, we find our country being confronted with a President who has just about been declared incompetent by his own justice department. We all know that Joe Biden is having cognitive problems with remembering and communicating in a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

America, a Nation at War with Itself

Wars and Corruption: While we are engaged in supporting the Ukraine war with Russia we are now engaged in another war with the Houthis, Hamas, and Hezbollah all backed by Iran. Does anyone want Trump back in office? We can all thank President Biden for giving Iran all the money they need to wage this […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Let the Games Begin

The Democrats have a little less than 11 months to flood our country with illegals and find a way to give them citizenship so they can vote in the upcoming 2024 election. If you think for one minute that this is not their ultimate goal, you have your head buried in the sand. The democratic […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Is America Finally Waking Up?

(As we went to press, DeSantis withdrew and endorsed Trump. ) While the primaries have just started it seems like President Trump is off to a roaring start in spite of all the money DeSantis and Haley have spent. His sweep of Iowa with 51% of the vote shows us that this is a real […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Americans Aborted 63 Million Babies

Now we have Congressmen who want to replace them with Illegals You can’t make this stuff up: Democratic Representative Jerry Nadler ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee said, “We need immigrants in this country,” “Our vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren’t being picked by many immigrants — many illegal immigrants. The […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What Surprises will this year’s Legislative Session bring?

I’m sure most Idahoans will be curious to see just our legislators have in store for us in 2024. Maybe some tax cuts? Don’t count on it. One thing is for sure since it is an election year, we actually might see some kowtowing to the voters who elected our NOT-so-conservative Senate and Somewhat conservative […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

More Proof Idaho is Turning Blue

Say it isn’t So – Idahoans it’s time you Open Your Eyes. The Institute for Legislative Analysis has just released a scathing report on Idaho. The headlines read “Just Released National Study: Democrats Control Idaho Senate – Republicans Narrowly Hold House. What is even more damming is the evaluation they did of our very own […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Unbridled Immigration is the Narrative – What is the Goal?

As the flow of illegal immigrants continues to inundate our country and its resources the question remains what is the goal of Joe Biden and the Democrats allowing this invasion to take place? We all understand that the Democrats are looking to give these illegals formal citizenship at some point in time so they can […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

From Constitutional Attorney to Wildlife Photographer

As Christmas is just a week away, I thought that instead of talking about all of the problems that we face in our country, it would be a good time to take a break and look at some of the wonders of nature around us. I have been a friend of Christ Troupis for over […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Paging George Orwell

There has been much talk recently by the liberal media about how Donald Trump will be a dictator if he is elected for a second term. I liken the liberal media to a magician who gets you to watch one hand so he can fool you with the other. Let me explain why I say […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Politicians Who Call Themselves Conservative

Let’s start with the big lie about Rank Choice Voting being promoted by “conservatives” like former Governor Butch Otter and Former AG Jim Jones. Ranked choice voting is wrong for Idaho’s elections. To start off, it is a complex election process where voters can rank multiple candidates for a single office. If one candidate receives […]

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