Bob's Words of Wisdom

How Important is your County Sheriff

While we often talk about a constitutional sheriff the question always seems to pop up, how do you define what a constitutional sheriff is? We have done some research and found a great article written by Sheriff Richard Mack, whom I have been fortunate enough to hear speak at several events in my life and will tell you he does know what a Constitutional Sheriff is.

With primary elections next month, it is time for everyone to find out if they really have a constitutional sheriff and if not why. You also need to know if your County prosecutor is conservative when we see what is happening in the big sanctuary cities where AGs and prosecutors don’t do their jobs and criminals are released back onto our streets. We live in dangerous times and every day we see our 2nd amendment rights being challenged by progressive governors and Attorney Generals while the criminals perpetrating the crimes are let loose on our streets to wreak havoc with illegal weapons. Our law enforcement officers are being killed every day by these criminals while our president continues to leave our borders wide open permitting the worst of the worst to enter our country. Anyone who thinks that Idaho is not a border state just take a look at the statistics on how many illegals and potential terrorists have already crossed our border from Canada.

When we ask what is a constitutional sheriff the answer often depends on who you ask. I mentioned Sheriff Richard Mack and would like to take some excerpts from comments he made on a website called the Constitutional Law Enforcement Association on constitutional sheriffs. Sheriff Mack explains that it is the duty of the County sheriff to stop criminal and out-of-control government from killing, abusing, violating, robbing, and destroying its own people. “The question needs to be posed to each and every sheriff of these United States; will you stand against tyranny?” The county sheriff is the only elected law enforcement official in America. He is the protector of the people, a peacekeeper, and guardian of liberty. The question you need to ask your sheriff is will you apply these principles of protection to federal criminals?

Many of the elected sheriffs who are unbelievers have taken a solemn oath to uphold and defend the constitution, however; they will tell you they have no authority to tell federal agents to do anything to stop them from victimizing local citizens. Truth be known, the sheriff has ultimate authority and law enforcement power within his jurisdiction. The sheriff’s job is to protect and defend all citizens from all enemies, foreign and domestic. So ask your sheriff if government abuses were to take place in his county, would he intervene? The answer he gives you should be the determining factor when deciding if he or she is a true constitutional sheriff.

Christ Troupis Book

It is your county sheriff’s duty to protect their citizens. “In Mack/Printz v USA, the U S Supreme Court declared that the states or their political subdivisions, “are not subject to federal direction.” The issue of federal authority was defined in a decision leaning on the Tenth Amendment where two sheriffs brought a suit objecting to being forced into federal service without compensation under provisions of the Brady Bill. This was a major landmark case in favor of states’ rights and local autonomy. This case exposed the lack of power and authority the federal government actually has. It was justice Scalia who spoke for the majority stating “the constitutions conferral upon congress of not all governmental powers but only discreet enumerated ones.” The tenth amendment clearly confirms “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution…are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” The powers and jurisdiction granted to the federal government are few, precise, and expressly defined.

Your rights under the Constitution are only as good as the enforcement of those rights and that burden is borne by your elected County Sheriff. If he is not willing to defend you how will the constitution be enforced. The simple answer is “It Won’t”. We always hear the phrase “Everything is Local”. Well in this case it is absolutely true and if you elect the wrong person to represent you on the county level it could cost you your freedom and land you in the pokey.

We are all aware of what has been happening to President Trump with Bidens Lawfare and the weaponization of the federal law enforcement agencies along at the direction of the DOJ. When a government becomes corrupt as we have seen in the last few years there are few places to hide if they come after you on made-up charges. Your county sheriff is the last barrier to hold federal law enforcement at bay. We have seen how rogue federal agencies have arrested many of Trump’s supporters and associates on charges that would never hold up in a court with a conservative judge or jury. These people’s homes were raided in the early morning hours. They were arrested, put in handcuffs and leg irons, and hustled off to jail where they were strip searched and locked up until they made bail.

If Biden were to be reelected, would he be so blatant as to go after anyone who claimed to be MAGA? If he did who would protect you and me from this sort of tyranny? It’s time to be sure who you are voting for in the upcoming May primary and November 5th election. We know they are going to cheat just like in 2020 so we need to overwhelm them with an insurmountable number of votes. This is the year we take our country back from the RINOs and the progressives who would turn us into a 3rd world country with their Climate Change, Woke philosophy, and DEI. Know your candidates, do your homework, and get your butts to the polls to vote.


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