Opinions / Op-eds

Coming Soon to Your City

By now everyone is somewhat familiar with the dangers of smart cities and has heard about 15-minute cities. These versions of how everyone should live center around technology and compacting humans into small areas in order to save the planet. Supposedly. It is really about surveillance.  Most people are also probably aware that these versions […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Power is in the People

It is time for everyone to stand up against the corporate world and take steps to hit back at the underlying goal of transforming our economy, and in doing so, it can be crippled, or at least dented. Putting a permanent kink in their chain may not happen, but it will hurt. As seen with […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Have You Seen This?

If not, it has probably seen you. Home Depot (HD) is a global home improvement retail corporation that was founded in 1978, having revenues in the billions. As one of the box stores allowed to stay open during the Covid event, its earnings “rose 27%” during that time. The company also owns several subsidiaries.  This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Conservation Is About Connectivity

It is often difficult to explain something that doesn’t make sense in a way that it does make sense. Starting with the foundation of the insanity may be the place to start. It was previously revealed that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) adheres to international standards for conservation. Although “fragmentation” and “habitat” are frequently […]

Opinions / Op-eds

BLM Lawlessness Continues

While this information is about southeast Idaho, the issue is relevant for all Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land throughout Idaho. In March 2023, the BLM released its Upper Snake East Travel Management Plan Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) that affects Fremont, Teton, Bonneville, Madison, Jefferson, Bingham, Power, and Clark Counties. The plan “proposes a network of designated routes and trails for […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is The BLM Breaking the Law Again?

Sometimes the agendas come so rapidly it is difficult to keep them apart because at the core they all serve the same purpose. Since the federal government no longer operates as three separate branches with the legislative branch assigned to creating laws, the Executive Branch and unconstitutional administrative rulemaking process now create laws that Americans are subjected […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is Digital Identity Coming?

It seems regardless of how much opposition exists to the federal government agenda, it still just marches on. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) introduced S.884 – Improving Digital Identity Act of 2023, in March of this year, “To establish a Government-wide approach to improving digital identity.” Sen. Cynthia Lummis (R-Wy) is her partner in crime. This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Land Ordinances Are Another Tool

County Commissioners hold more authority than they realize. Our Republic was built on a foundation of strength at a local level, where citizens can be engaged with those they elect to represent them. From that, citizens also have the responsibility for holding those elected officials to account for their actions. As already known, the federal […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Legislature Moves Forward with The Great Reset

Senate bill 1159 was signed by Governor Little on March 30, 2023.  This bill appropriates $100 million to expand broadband access and infrastructure throughout rural Idaho that will provide internet access for Idaho citizens.  With Senate Bill 1129 it brings the total to $225 million for broadband infrastructure. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  Everyone will be able to get on […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Don’t Let Lava Ridge Become Another Bunkerville

Idahoans probably remember the 2014 standoff that occurred between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at Bunkerville, Nevada, and also involved Americans from across the U.S. coming to support Bundy.  The press described the scene as a law-breaking rancher and inappropriately labeled supporters “domestic terrorists” and other derogatory names.  These “terrorists” were blamed […]

Opinions / Op-eds

One Perspective

This is a perspective by one person who was at the Bunkerville incident in 2014, and having concerns about the similarities with the Lava Ridge Wind Project. So what happens if the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) decides to allow LS Power to move forward with the Lava Ridge project? Once the BLM approves and […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is The BLM Violating Grazing Laws? Part 2

Grazing Coordination Plan This is long, but more importantly, the need to get the information out exceeds the length of the article. In Part 1, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Lava Ridge Wind Project was reviewed for potential violations by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding grazing laws. Contained within the […]

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