John Livingston

“Hail Mary” Idaho needs a J.D.Vance

Constitutional conservative Christians are being marginalized by establishment RINOs, a lap dog media, and now their sycophants in government agencies including a minority in our traditional ally—Law Enforcement. In Ohio thanks to the backing and endorsement of Donald Trump, JD Vance overcame a ten-point deficit in three months and won the Republican Primary by ten […]

John Livingston

Fight or Flight

There is a big hole in the hearts of Idaho Constitutional Conservatives four weeks before the Idaho Republican Primary Election. The emptiness and sense of despair in a State that that voted in 2020 for Donald Trump (63.6%) for conservatives who see candidates running Statewide with large margins like Governor Little in a recent poll […]

John Livingston

Truth and Consequences

Audrey Dutton is one of Idaho’s most talented and exceptional reporters. In an article in the Idaho Capital Sun dated May 5th 0430 she gives Dr. Ryan Cole and his company a journalistic autopsy (or was it a colonoscopy) that I am sure will win awards and accolades. I have seldom agreed with Ms. Sutton’s […]

John Livingston

Crime and Punishment — Good vs Evil

Kevin Miller has in so many ways been a great supporter of much of what is good in our community. The Boise Mission and his support for local community joint ventures between government and the private sector in the fight against drugs and mental illness are just two examples of his commitment to Idahoans. Thank […]

John Livingston

What is True of the Part

The fallacy of composition is an informal fallacy that arises when one infers that something is true of the whole from the fact that it is true of some part of the whole. My two closest adult friends are Catholic Priests. . Fr. Pat Russell was a legend in the Idaho Catholic Community. Standing all […]

John Livingston

End Corruption in Government — Draw Candidates’ Names from a Hat

I have received hundreds of e-mails over the past few months from many people who take umbrage with my use of the word “corruption” when discussing our political leaders and the activities within agencies of Idaho State government. I have responded that corruption is a process that does not have to be illegal, but many […]

John Livingston

Red State, Blue State, Brown State

Thanks to Donald Trump politics in our country have been turned inside out and upside down. The Republican Party nat,ionwide that once was the pawn of large companies and intimately connected to the “corporate industrial complex” is now the party of blue-collar patriotic Americans. Our military that was once respected and honored and apolitical, has […]

John Livingston

Get in the Game

There is a big hole in the hearts of Idaho Constitutional Conservatives four weeks before the Idaho Republican Primary Election. The emptiness and sense of despair in a State that voted in 2020 for Donald Trump (63.6%) for conservatives who see candidates running Statewide with large margins like Governor Little in a recent poll receiving […]

John Livingston

The Parrot on the Shoulder of Medicine

I was blessed to practice surgery and medicine for 44 years. Almost half of that time was in the Navy, the other half in Boise. Twenty-five years ago, I was asked to help rebuild the trauma center at St. Al’s and I was lucky enough to recruit four outstanding surgeons from three outstanding medical schools. […]

John Livingston

Happy Easter

Easter is the happiest day in the Christian Year. The fulfillment of A PROMISE 1200 years in the making culminated in events that were designed to change the world. And it has. The promise continues to be kept. “WE BELIEVE IN ALL THAT IS SEEN AND UNSEEN”—from our shared Creed. That belief is what created […]

John Livingston

We Could Have Done Better

In my last article entitled Comorbidities and Unintended Consequences, I reviewed several anecdotal case studies and how type two Covid mitigation techniques may not have been the most efficacious in combating Covid19. I have argued early on that traditional type 3 mitigation—isolating the elderly and those with comorbid conditions could have produced better morbidity and […]

John Livingston

Capitulation is not Progress

Brad Little is a good man. He loves his family and many of his corps values I share. He is Pro-Life and Pro-Gun. But he is not a conservative. He is Pro Big Government. He is a Mitt Romney opportunist, but like many RINOs in our State he is afraid to take off the camouflage […]

Gem State Patriot News