
Why Rank Choice Voting is BAD
Brent Regan, KCRCC Chair | September 7, 2024 | 0
The Math of Ranked Choice Voting
Art da Rosa | September 7, 2024 | 0
Kamala’s Interview vs Trump’s new Alliance with RFK
Bob ‘Nugie’ Neugebauer | September 1, 2024 | 6
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Why Rank Choice Voting is BAD
Why Rank Choice Voting is BAD
Brent Regan, KCRCC Chair  |  September 7, 2024  |  0
The Math of Ranked Choice Voting
The Math of Ranked Choice Voting
Art da Rosa  |  September 7, 2024  |  0
Kamala’s Interview vs Trump’s new Alliance with RFK
Kamala’s Interview vs Trump’s new Alliance with RFK
Bob ‘Nugie’ Neugebauer  |  September 1, 2024  |  6
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