
Stop Killing Kids and Other Innocents

Everyone wants to “do something” to help another human being, especially in an emergency, like an active killer in a school or other public venue. Good people want to help. While we teach CPR, first aid, how to use a fire extinguisher if conditions permit, etc., we can also teach non-cops how to use a […]


Truth in Advertising? Not so much in Politics Looking at Brad Little

The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance did ask some interesting and important questions recently of Raul Labrador and Tommy Ahlquist. Lt. Governor Brad Little had a family emergency and could not make the event. Interesting enough is that Raul and Tommy agreed upon all the questions asked them. In other words, there was really no difference […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Idaho’s Swamp Dwellers Don’t Listen to the People Who Elect Them

It’s time that the taxpayers of Idaho wake up and take a hard look at the Idaho Swamp and the legislators who only work for themselves, the lobbyists, and the Governor. It has taken four years to get good gun rights legislation passed with concealed carry and campus carry. The last important piece is the […]


Putting Mass School Shootings into Perspective

When a shocking tragedy like the recent Parkland, Florida mass school shooting takes place, the media keeps it in the headlines for days. Television inundates our senses with sights and sounds that reinforce the human emotion of the calamity while the drama is relived in front of our eyes day and night. The media milks […]


Insight into School Safety Relating to Shootings

We “need to do something” about school shootings! We need “Gun Control!” What to do? I am a largely retired civilian and law enforcement trainer who now does expert witness testimony in use of force cases primarily. I have a lengthy 30 year plus background as a civilian/LE trainer throughout this country as well as […]


Parkland, What we aren’t being told

Too many things don’t add up regarding the Parkland shooting. The perp was visited 39 times by police (Broward Sheriff says that is a lie…it was only 23 times) The first responder LEOs waited outside. The FBI was warned and did nothing. Within 48 hours the local authorities said it would take $28.5M to level […]


Is Society the Real Reason for Mass Shootings and Violence?

With the latest, tragic shooting in Parkland, Florida, the pundits have been going at it with solutions including gun control, more mental health services, increased safety measures in schools, and the list goes on. None of these ill-conceived ideas will work. My heart breaks for those families. Having worked with troubled kids over 30 years […]


Idaho’s Campus Carry Law Needs Reform

It has been three years since Idaho passed its version of campus carry and one year since Idaho passed permitless carry, and yet—despite the forecast of mass chaos from Michael Bloomberg and the rest of his Chicken Little cohorts—the sky has not fallen. Despite the general calm in Idaho, however, there have been shootings on […]


A week of Contrast

Saturday, February 25, I attended the Idaho Second Amendment rally at the Capitol in Boise. A peaceful, powerful statement of the dedication Idaho citizens feel about their right to bear arms and their First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and freely express their views. The weather was perfect, with sun blessing the event from time […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Editorial on Castle Doctrine Bill

Coming to the Idaho State Legislature to represent the people of District 23 and the people of the state has been an honor. I have had opportunity to learn so much. One of the opportunities that I cherish the most was being asked by citizens from all over the state to carry the Castle Doctrine […]


Colorado’s Anti-gun Laws Cost the State Jobs, Tax Revenues

— Published with permission from The New — Magpul, one of the country’s largest producers of ammunition magazines, vowed to leave Colorado if the state’s Democrats passed a law limiting magazine capacities to 15 rounds. In 2013 anti-gun Democrats, reveling in the successful implementation of the “Colorado Model” (funded by four wealthy liberals, designed […]


U.S. Lawmakers Call Out State Dept. Backdoor to Gun Control

— Published with permission from The New — Two dozen U.S. senators and over 100 U.S. representatives are standing between the State Department and a backdoor to a federal gun grab, signing their names to to letters addressed to Secretary of State John Kerry alerting him to their awareness of the attempt to disarm Americans. […]

Gem State Patriot News