News Opinions / Op-eds

Congressman Fulcher Continues Fight Against Democrats’ Election Takeover

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Fulcher voted NO on the over-700 page Democrat bill to federalize the United States election system. The elections bill, with provisions from H.R.1 and H.R.4, has now been inserted into an unrelated bill about NASA leasing authority and re-named H.R.5746, the “Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act.”  There has been […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Simpson Absent in Fight Against Federal Vaccine Mandates

Idaho Falls, ID – Once again liberal Mike Simpson is missing in the fight for our freedom. Much like on protecting the unborn, Simpson is one of the few Republican members of Congress not to oppose federal vaccine mandates. An amicus brief was filed by 47 United States Senators and 136 Members of the United […]


RELEASE: Fulcher Signs Amicus Brief in Support of New York Second Amendment Case

Congressman Fulcher Signs Amicus Brief in Support of New York Second Amendment Case WASHINGTON, D.C.– Congressman Fulcher has signed a Congressional amicus brief led by Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY-22), to the U.S. Supreme Court that will challenge New York’s heavily restrictive licensing regulations targeted at law-abiding gun owners. This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will […]


NEWS RELEASE: Idaho Chooses Life Calls for Protection of Conscience Rights

The Board of Idaho Chooses Life has adopted a Resolution, calling for the protection of the conscience rights of health care providers and other Idaho employees from being forced into choosing between their livelihood and submitting to a COVID vaccination. Idaho Chooses Life has brought several pieces of legislation over the years to protect the […]


RELEASE: Fulcher Comments on Biden Signaling the Revival of WOTUS Regulations

Congressman Fulcher Comments on President Biden Signaling the Revival of WOTUS Regulations WASHINGTON, D.C.– Congressman Russ Fulcher is pushing back on the EPA’s recent announcement that it will look into restoring rules and definitions for the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) regulations implemented by the Obama Administration. In 2015, this rule established broad definitions […]


RELEASE: Fulcher Takes Additional Actions to Protect the Second Amendment

Congressman Fulcher Takes Additional Actions to Protect Idahoan’s Second Amendment Rights WASHINGTON, D.C.– Congressman Russ Fulcher has continued his efforts to defend Idahoan’s Second Amendment rights with several legislative actions. These include becoming an original cosponsor on H.R. 3820, the Firearm Due Process Protection Act, H.R.  3823, the Protecting Individual Sovereignty Through Our Laws Act […]


NEWS RELEASE: Idaho Chooses Life Honors Rep. Vito Barbieri

(Boise). Idaho Chooses Life announced today that it has given Rep. Vito Barbieri (R-Dalton Gardens) its “Friend for Life Award”. “This honor is given to Idahoans who have made significant contributions to the protection of our preborn children,” said ICL Executive Director David Ripley in a prepared statement. “Vito has long been a champion of […]


West Ada Residents File Petition for Recall Against School Board Trustees

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 6, 2020 Linsy Heiner, 208.918.4475 BOISE – Residents within the West Ada School District will file a Petition for Recall against all five members of West Ada School Board on Tuesday, Oct 6th. The Petition will be filed with the Ada County Clerk’s office. The recall effort was started […]


PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Christy Zito Announces Candidacy for Idaho State Senate, District 23

Contact: Rep. Christy Zito Phone: (208) 590-4633 Email: Press Release Rep. Christy Zito Announces Candidacy for Idaho State Senate, District 23 Hammett, ID, September 12, 2019: Following the announcement that incumbent Senator Bert Brackett will be retiring following this term, Rep. Christy Zito has announced her candidacy for the seat. “As much as I love […]


PRESS RELEASE: Rep. Fulcher Supports Interior Action to Shine Light on Attorney’s Fees & Costs

May 29, 2019 Contact: Alexah Rogge 202-225-6611 WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Rep. Fulcher joined the Western Caucus to applaud the Department of the Interior’s action to increase transparency and accountability in attorney’s fees and costs by making important information publicly available online: Rep. Russ Fulcher commented, “In Idaho, hundreds of thousands of acres of timber burn every […]


PRESS RELEASE: Idaho Regulators deny Avista-Hydro One deal

Case Nos.: AVU-E-17-09 and AVU-G-17-05 Final Order No.: 34226 Contact: Matt Evans Office: (208) 334-0339 Cell: (208) 520-4763 Regulators deny Avista-Hydro One deal BOISE (Jan. 3, 2019) – The Idaho Public Utilities Commission has denied the proposed merger of Avista Utilities and Hydro One. In its order, the Commission said the transaction is prohibited by Idaho Code § 61-327, […]

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