Bob's Words of Wisdom

Are Illegals the Democrats’ Ultimate Weapon of Mass Destruction?

Ever since President Obama left office there has been a coordinated effort to open our borders to illegal immigrants in hopes of inundating the U.S. with a huge mass migration of illegals that we cannot possibly cope with. This process started by Obama before he left office and was his way of changing the face […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A New Faith

Pretty much everything in the Bible provides guidance on how to live one’s life. In the never ending movement to usurp control over all aspects of life, the United Nations (UN) is now working on capturing control over religious institutions. Most large religious institutions have adopted the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). This […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Sustainable Development Goals #1 In Idaho

Many Idahoans are familiar with the existence of the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) but may have not studied them in any depth. Multiple changes are bearing down on our state which many refer to as a leftist agenda or Woke campaign. But it is really the SDGs being forced into the state.  It […]


The Enemy’s New Strategy

Similar to Germans infiltrating American lines during WWII, private property owners are being targeted with renewed tactics to manipulate and bribe them into accepting and practicing conservation goals outlined in the current administration’s non-authorized 30×30 plan.  In fact, behind the scenes groups have been working on this for some time.  As a Republic, we have a […]


Renewed Threats to Idaho

With the current administration promoting its America the Beautiful plan there will be a renewed effort by non-governmental organizations (NGO) to pursue as much land as possible for conservation in meeting the 30×30 objectives laid out in the plan.  That goal is conserving 30% of land and oceans in the United States by 2030.  NGOs are clamoring over each other to […]


A Dark Alliance, a Longstanding Covert Partnership

Biden plans to install David Prouty, general counsel of Service Employee International Union (SEIU) to fill the seat currently held by Republican William Emanuel. Emanuel’s term is set to expire Aug. 27. Why is it important that the Democrats are creating the NLRB as an activist board, which is predicted to legislate thru administrative fiat? […]


Same Pig, Different Lipstick

You put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig, or at least the saying goes. Such is the case with this newly renamed federal agenda. First a brief background. America’s Great Outdoors Initiative (AGOI) was created in 2010 via a memo by the Obama administration. Its purpose was advancing land conservation, expanding recreation, and […]


Who Is The Idaho Wildlife Federation?

What is the Idaho Wildlife Federation (IWF) really about? Many sportsmen, and women, have been led to believe that IWF is a pro-hunting advocacy group. Looking at their activities and associations creates some concerns about this position. When Yellowstone to Yukon (Y2Y) failed in their mission to have wildlife overpasses desecrate the Island Park area, […]


Handing over Idaho on a Silver Platter (Part 2)

Goals, Agendas and Policies-Exposed. Are Idaho Citizens Being Played? In PART 1 – Handing Over Idaho on a Silver Platter, I shared how Idaho is not that different from other liberal states when it comes to allowing bad policies to slip into our state laws, codes, and regulations that covertly undermine our state sovereignty. I […]


Open Letter to Kathy & Paul Leodler

The Report of Investigation Regarding Representative Matt Shea, Washington State House of Representatives, was prepared by the Rampart Group, and conducted by Kathy & Paul Leodler, Lead Investigators. Ms. Leodler has deep ties to the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal agencies while Mr. Leodler has ties to law enforcement, even at a global […]


Reimagining the Rural American West (Part 4 of 4)

The final Western Governors Association (WGA) workshop on Reimagining the Rural West (RRW) was held December 3, 2019 in Post Falls, with host Governor Brad Little providing the opening remarks. Idaho is all in on funding this U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) rural program, disguised as RRW. In his opening remarks, Gov. Little emphasized themes […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Handing over Idaho on a Silver Platter

Is the State of Idaho being complacent, manipulated, or purposely implementing a plan to relinquish our State sovereignty? Idahoans are, and have always been, a different type of people. Rugged, self-sufficient, and independent, we love our beautiful state and believe it is the best place in the country to live. We believe in law and […]

Gem State Patriot News