Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Raul Labrador – Answering the Tough Questions

If you missed the Town Hall meeting with Raul Labrador, you missed a good one as he took a lot of questions and, unlike Tommy Ahlquist the Urban Renewal Cowboy, he actually had answers and solutions to many of the problems our current administration has failed to address. To start off, it’s nice to know […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Who is Michael Snyder, Candidate for Idaho’s First Congressional District?

We recently had the pleasure of interviewing Michael Snyder, a candidate for Idaho’s first congressional district seat. Michael is 47 years old, married with one child, and a former resident of Washington D.C. who now resides in Bonners Ferry. He has a Bachelor of Science degree and a Law degree from the University of Florida […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Luke Malek is a Phony and a Crony

A couple of quick political comments on Luke Malek and Governor Otter. Malek’s entry into Idaho’s first district congressional race is nothing more than a way to dilute and redistribute the vote by the crony establishment in an attempt to keep Russ Fulcher from winning. It’s no different than the payback comment that Otter threw […]


A history of USFS malfeasance in Idaho’s Payette National Forest

— Published with Permission of — These structure fires occurred during the same time period that five cabins at Cabin Creek were ‘accidentally’ burned to the ground. In this instance, the rangers reported they were “burning garbage” when the flames suddenly got away from them. There was a group of professional forest fire fighters at […]


Trout Unlimited, or just another fish story?

My fish story begins as a boy with a willow pole fishing the headwaters of Jordan Creek, a tributary of the Yankee Fork of the Salmon River. With only rudimentary gear, I’d catch my limit of native cutthroat within a quarter mile from camp dipping holes and pulling pan size keepers. Not today however and […]


Benewah County RLC ‘Spirit of 76’ Banquet

Taking pride in inducing serious mental anguish with legislatures that do not honor their oaths of office ABOUT THIS BEING SO LATE PUBLISHING Writer’s remarks: This meeting was held one week before Russ Fulcher withdrew as a Gubernatorial Candidate and announced his candidacy for the First Congressional District, Raul Labrador’s current seat in the U.S. […]


Idaho draft wolf plan has predator’s fans, foes howling

— Published with Permission of the Lewiston Tribune — The document sets a threshold of 15 wolf packs. Above that number, wolves will be managed like any other predator in the state. When the population falls below the threshold, management becomes more conservative, with an eye toward preventing animals from reverting to federal protection. A […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

First You Say You Do and Then You Don’t

We were doing a little more homework on Mr. Ahlquist and read an article written by Kevin Richert in Idaho Education News. After reading the article and listening to a one-hour interview with Mr. Ahlquist, we once again need to question Mr. Ahlquist about his platform on Common Core. In June, the Associated Press’ Kimberlee […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Will the Real Tommy Ahlquist Please Stand Up?

When we first received this letter in our inbox, my first reaction was shock and awe, but then I remembered it was sent out before Tommy Ahlquist had made up his mind which party to run for. The fact that Mr. Ahlquist had to decide which party to run for is in itself very disturbing […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Doctor – Builder – Governor?

A New Direction for Idaho? Maybe. We had an opportunity this past Friday to meet with Tom Ahlquist’s campaign manager David Johnson to discuss some of his candidate’s positions. I have to admit I was impressed that he had any number of decent answers to our questions, although without much detail. The broad strokes looked […]


Candidate for Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin on the Good Old Boys

Candidate for Idaho Lt. Governor, Janice McGeachin, from Idaho Falls spoke to the most devout true Republicans in the party at the May 20th Benewah Republican Liberty Caucus annual dinner in St. Maries. McGeachin served five consecutive terms as a State Representative from 2002 to 2012. The first four years she served on the Revenue […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Russ Fulcher Pulls out of Gubernatorial Race – Declares for 1st CD

The Bad The Good & The Ugly: The Bad news Russell Fulcher, the only true conservative candidate in the race for governor, has decided to discontinue his run. The Good news is that he has decided to run for Congressman for the first congressional district. The Ugly – We understand from reputable sources that our […]

Gem State Patriot News