Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Too ‘Little’, Too Late

It appears that Brad Little decided to try playing Governor by issuing an Executive order on March 19 designated the “Licensing Freedom Act”, which is supposed to be a review of State Licensing Requirements. Now does anyone really think that this order was issued while Little was acting Governor without the ok of Butch Otter? […]


Notes for the Boise State University Wrestling Resistance

A few elections ago, I asked a friend to ask for the salaries of Boise State University people. The hard copy information exists in their library and is available upon request at the front desk. My friend got the run-around and finally when she was presented the information, the University wanted to charge her hundreds […]


POLL: Who is your top choice for Idaho Governor in 2018?

The 2018 Idaho Governor’s race is shaping up to be a crowded field. Who is your preferred candidate in this race? Incumbent Butch Otter isn’t running for reelection, so it’s an open seat which only makes the outcome of the race that much more unknown. Don’t let the talking heads in the mainstream media tell […]


Leftists and Progressives Drone on at Labrador Town Hall

As Publisher I would like to make a few observations before we get to Susan’s comments. This account by Susan proves the point I made a couple days ago on the Kevin Miller Show that this group called “Indivisible” are nothing but a bunch of obnoxious rabble rousers who shouldn’t have been permitted to attend […]


Washington State… ‘Their water and/or Idaho’s?’

Bob Bingham is the founder of Idaho’s largest property rights group, North West Property Owners Alliance (NWPOA) and recently became a newly elected Kootenai County Commissioner. Bob has a reputation for getting citizens aware and involved. NWPOA is a viable force today working very hard for property owners’ water, property and privacy rights by attending […]


Kiss Idaho Goodbye – The rest of the story

The federal government created a beast, landscape conservation cooperatives (LLC) for wildlife protection, sprouting in 2011 following the “America Great Outdoors” initiative in 2010.No congressional approval came with this, the Department of Interior (DOI) just created it and assigned the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ( No congressional approval came with this, the Department of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Testimony for a Hearing on Elimination of Grocery Tax

I have been fighting for four years to eliminate this horribly regressive grocery tax on the citizens of Idaho. Let me start off by saying that none of the members of this committee look malnourished, but there are many people in Idaho who are, and it may not be just because of the grocery tax, […]


Kiss Idaho Goodbye

Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative There are a multitude of Idaho non-profits and United Nations (UN) non-governmental organizations (NGO) that are aggressively pursuing connectivity projects. Essentially the goal is to connect large swaths of land in Idaho’s east corner which neighbors Montana and Wyoming. They would love to see this land all locked up into […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Senate Moves to Restrict Idahoans’ Constitutional Choice of Medical Care

The Senate State Affairs committee today voted to restrict your choice in medical care by approving SB 1182 regarding amending section 16-1627, of Idaho code, to revise a provision regarding treatment by prayer through spiritual means. Here is a link to read the bill. The five senators who voted to bring this bill to the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Rep. Priscilla Giddings: Despotism in Idaho?

As a new legislator, I anticipated the onslaught of new information during my first term. I was definitely NOT expecting the lack of professionalism or to be patronized, bullied, strong-armed, verbally threatened or called a “liar” and “crazy.” Apparently, the viciousness of the national political scene has worked its way into Idaho, and so too […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Sucking off the Government Teat

In a recent article written by Dustin Hurst of the Idaho Reporter, he talked about J. Kirk Sullivan a member of the PERSI Board who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and how he has spent over $14,000 of our taxpayer money for travel expenses. Mind you this money comes out of the State Employees Retirement Fund. […]

Gem State Patriot News