As a new legislator, I anticipated the onslaught of new information during my first term. I was definitely NOT expecting the lack of professionalism or to be patronized, bullied, strong-armed, verbally threatened or called a “liar” and “crazy.” Apparently, the viciousness of the national political scene has worked its way into Idaho, and so too […]
Tag: Idaho Legislature
A week of Contrast
Saturday, February 25, I attended the Idaho Second Amendment rally at the Capitol in Boise. A peaceful, powerful statement of the dedication Idaho citizens feel about their right to bear arms and their First Amendment right to peacefully assemble and freely express their views. The weather was perfect, with sun blessing the event from time […]
In a 5 to 4 vote, Idaho’s Senate panel voted in favor of an Article V constitutional Convention. There were 25 participants who testified before the panel but to no avail, as Senator Hagedorn, the leader of this Rat Pack, said all of his opponents are misinformed, claiming he met with national experts (He never […]
In a recent article written by Dustin Hurst of the Idaho Reporter, he talked about J. Kirk Sullivan a member of the PERSI Board who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona and how he has spent over $14,000 of our taxpayer money for travel expenses. Mind you this money comes out of the State Employees Retirement Fund. […]
We have been wondering when the Heather Scott story would come full circle back to Speaker Bedke and thanks to Redoubt News we now have the bigger picture of how morally corrupt the leadership of our legislature is. We had said that the Speaker doth protest too much. Now that the shoe is on the […]
— Reprinted with permission from Redoubt News — For over a month Speaker Bedke and other members of leadership have been railing on Rep. Heather Scott for remarks she made to Judy Boyle on December 1st. 2016. These remarks had to do with her frustration at Rep. Christy Perry receiving a committee chairmanship after scandalous headlines about […]
As the storm in the House of Representatives winds down, there continues to brew questions about the appropriateness of the punishment handed out by Speaker Bedke to Rep. Scott, and so we wonder if there will be a return trip to its epicenter in the near future. Speaker Bedke leveraged his power as speaker in […]
Rep. Ron Nate: Time for Tax Cuts
Since 2011, Idaho tax revenue has increased by an average of 5.4% per year. This is strong growth in state revenues following the so-called “great recession.” Now, put this number beside the growth in state spending over the same period. The state’s spending (appropriations) from the General Fund are growing faster and have exceeded revenue […]
One of our legislative Swamp Dwellers who is attempting to run for Lt. Governor named Hagedorn has reared his ugly head and alerted us with one of his Facebook comments which was brought to our attention by a good friend of this publication. Here is a link to the comments. You ask why this is […]
I’m writing this in reply to an article run in the Idaho Statesman on January 21, 2017. Marv Hagedorn hasn’t got a clue about the possible implications of a Constitutional Convention nor do any of the other legislators backing this idea. Mind you this is a man who wants to be Lt. Governor of our state […]
Damn the Iceberg! Full Steam Ahead!
Governor Otter has vowed to stay the course on his education plan. In his proposed budget message, he referred to the governor’s task force recommendations for education. This task force was formed December 2012 following the overwhelming defeat of Props 1, 2, and 3 also known as the Luna Laws. The recommendations were reported September […]
Boise Bullying and the Voice of the People
Idaho is a conservative state, but the policies coming out of the State Legislature are not conservative. (See the adoption of Common Core in 2010, the Obamacare exchange in 2014, the huge gas tax and hybrid fee increase in 2015, and the huge spending increases last year and projected again for this year). People across Idaho […]