Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s Time to Pick your Poison for the Primary Elections

I’m going to make this short and sweet as this primary election has been more contentious than any I have experienced in my 31 years of following politics in Idaho. I have said many times in my writing and on the radio that Idaho is basically a Libertarian-bent state when it comes to politics and […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Just How ‘Red’ is the State of Idaho?

You will be surprised Misinformation has become prevalent just about everywhere you look and here is an excellent example. There was an article published by the “Coeur d’ Alene/Post Falls Press on April 7 titled “Idaho is becoming redder” that caused me to write this piece. Our current Secretary of State Phil McGrane during a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Business of Politics

The most powerful lobbying agency in Idaho is unknown to most Idaho voters. This organization wields enormous power and influence over every state elected official. How do we know this? None of them will openly criticize, or even talk about it. In 1974 the Idaho State Chamber of Commerce and the Associated Industries of Idaho […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is This Treason?

U.S. Constitution – Article 1 Section 10: Powers Prohibited of States “No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation….” Treaty – “ratified agreement between two or more nations or sovereigns; a contract between two or more countries that is adhered to by the nations party to it; an international agreement between two or […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Who Needs Parents Anymore?

Through the education system, parental roles and rights have been incrementally diminished. Across America, parents are fighting to take that role back. However, in typical fashion, the ne’er do wells continue to create avenues for control over children. The U.S. Department of Education (USDOE) just awarded United Way of Treasure Valley (UWTV) $6,486,447 to implement […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will Boise become the next Denver?

Will Idaho become the next Colorado? Dr. Livingston was right when he said that the republican party is broken, and we have a dichotomy of leadership. You have the old-line elitists like Little, Otter, and Jones who want to continue to wield the same power they’ve had for decades. Then you have the new conservative […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Which Idaho Legislators are the True Conservatives?

The Devil is in the Details If we can’t fix the problems with our state, how do we expect to fix the problems confronting our country? It appears that the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) are starting early to secure House and Senate seats for their Crony RINOs who continue to infiltrate Idaho’s […]

John Livingston

Who is Really Pulling the Strings?

It seems to me that as government at all levels gets bigger and transiting the labyrinths of the bureaucracy gets more difficult, there has evolved a new agency class that can best be described as “puppet masters”. These masters of deception are pulling the strings at all levels of government. Think about Joe Biden. Does anyone […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Corrupt Merger of State and Corporate Power

They say politics makes for strange bedfellows and I must admit when Robert F. Kennedy Jr. threw his hat into the ring to run against Joe Biden for president it came as quite a shock to most people who live and breathe politics. I have been talking about how the elite corporatists have been slowly […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Cronyism is alive and well in Idaho

Yes, folks Cronyism is alive and well in Idaho and while they tell you this is for the Kido’s we must wonder why Governor Little pushed so hard to get this bill passed. I would venture to say that this bill was the brainchild of Idaho’s largest lobbyists the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry […]

John Livingston

‘The People’s Business’?

I have tremendous respect for people who expose themselves and their families to the rigors of a political campaign and the sacrifices that are made while serving in the legislature, or as a government appointee. Putting their ideas and political philosophies on the line takes political courage. I am more often than I wish left […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

What happened to “My Body My Choice”?

Two Years of Stupid While a very popular Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a bill stopping vaccine mandates with few exceptions, in Idaho one of the supposedly Reddest of the Red States continues to have our natural rights violated. Where was our governor when mandates were issued by hospitals and corporations to defend the citizens […]

Gem State Patriot News