John Livingston

Who is Really Pulling the Strings?

It seems to me that as government at all levels gets bigger and transiting the labyrinths of the bureaucracy gets more difficult, there has evolved a new agency class that can best be described as “puppet masters”. These masters of deception are pulling the strings at all levels of government.

Think about Joe Biden. Does anyone think that he is still running the show? Yesterday he took a moment to wander from the prepared statements that had been handed to him by his puppet masters. He claimed that his administration had cured cancer! Like magicians, the puppet masters want us to focus on the puppet or the shiny object and not on those who are pulling the strings. After Mr. Biden’s speech, the puppet masters went into action and retreated from his Nobelean claim of a cure for cancer. Who is pulling the puppets’ strings?

Are the Obamas or the DEEP STATE leftovers from administrations past working in the Department of Justice (DOJ), FBI, State or Defense Departments, or the Intelligence agencies?

Or are those monied Soros sycophant elitists working in Silicon Valley or the media calling the shots?

Christ Troupis Book

In Idaho almost without exception and irrespective of political party, the puppets are controlled by the lobbyist—corporatists (IEA, IHA, IMA, IACI) and the Bar Association. Not only are the political purse strings controlled by those representing the legacy and elite interests; they have placed their operatives into positions in government that are charged with regulating the very industries from whence they grew up. They are more than likely to facilitate those interests. The everyday voter is slowly losing their voice and influence. Does anybody believe that Brad Little ever makes a move without his former employer IACI pulling the strings?

In local government, the game is the same. Always follow the money. Municipalities as they grow always need more sources of income. Again, no matter the political affiliation of the politician—City Father, the longer they stay in office, the more likely they seem to believe that government is the cure for all of society’s problems. No longer are they focused on the citizens’ security—police and fire and rescue, and streets, roads, and infrastructure. Their primary focus becomes funding themselves! That is why developers from out of state have more say before City Councils than citizen voters who live in the towns being developed. The needs of the city—”The Commons” are more important than the individual citizens. The needs of the City—funding growing city governments, becomes antecedent to property rights, security, and quality of life.

At every level of government, the puppet master is in charge. The “deep state”, the corporate lobbyist, or the outside developer all exert influence and stand ahead of the individual citizen in the line for government subsidies, rebates, and access to property.

We must stop watching the shiny object and engage the puppet masters. I believe people like Dorothy Moon and Raul Labrador are doing exactly that. We still have a very few in our State Legislature and in our local City Councils that speak for the people and not the special interests. I hope the tide is turning—we will see.

In the meantime, the political party and candidates that speak to Idaho values—faith, family, and fundamentals grounded in traditional moral values, and are willing to confront the special interest puppet masters at all levels of government, still have a chance—for now.

It’s time to “engage the enemy special interests” who have only their selfish interests at heart. “If not now, when? If not you, who?”

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