Bob's Words of Wisdom

Which Idaho Legislators are the True Conservatives?

The Devil is in the Details

If we can’t fix the problems with our state, how do we expect to fix the problems confronting our country? It appears that the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) are starting early to secure House and Senate seats for their Crony RINOs who continue to infiltrate Idaho’s legislature with their liberal agendas turning Idaho Bluer by the year.

IACI just put out their list of their preferred candidates for the Idaho Legislature in 2024, which you can find here. IACI is the most powerful organization in Idaho’s political arena and is made up of the largest corporations in our state.

Idahoans should also look at the following link from the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF):, who actually rate hundreds of pieces of legislation and score legislators based on their votes. IFF ratings cover voting by legislators for Education, Freedom, and Spending, and it is the most comprehensive assessment of how our Idaho legislators voted in the last session.

We ask you to compare IFF ratings to how IACI has rated these same legislators, and you will clearly see the difference between the legislators who work for the people and those who work to get IACI’s approval. The difference is quite telling, and if you have a brain in your head, it will tell you how IACI is trying to influence our legislators in moving Idaho further to the left.

Christ Troupis Book

You might want to take a look at this link posted by The Magic Valley Liberty Alliance and see what they have to say about IACI and what they support.

Included in this post, you will find an article written by Karen Schumacher, an avid conservative researcher and freelance writer for the Gem State Patriot and Redoubt News. We urge you to read this article as it tells you who IACI is and what organizations and policies they have been supporting. Idaho has been under attack by the corporate elite for the past two decades, and they continue to grow in power and influence using this organization and the money they contribute to legislative candidates through their Political PAC.

Remember that Gov. Brad Little was a member of IACI from 1981 through 2001, eventually being elected Chairman of this elite, highly politically-motivated business organization. It was our RINO Governor, Dirk Kempthorne, who—in our opinion, at the urging of IACI—chose to appoint Little to Idaho’s vacant senate seat in 2002, setting the stage for Little’s eventual rise to be Governor. It is no secret that Governor Little is the mouthpiece for IACI members and the reason he won his past two elections. Little is one of the elite good-old-boys whose families have run this state for decades, and he has done more to turn our state blue than any other governor in our history.

Idaho is under attack by these left-leaning corporate elitists who care only about their bottom lines and how much power they can wield. In my humble opinion, Idaho has always been more of a libertarian-leaning state with a heavy dose of conservatism, however; it is slowly being transformed into a liberal bastion, much like Denver which led to the liberalization of Colorado. What is presently happening to Idaho is something that is happening throughout our country as we are slowly being overtaken by power-hungry corporate elitists who are the biggest threat to our country’s existence.

Never in our history have Americans been so divided since the Civil War. Victor Davis Hanson said it best: “America has been in a veritable cultural revolution since the 1960s. Nearly all our major institutions finally became woke—the administrative state, traditional and social media, universities, K-12, the corporate boardroom, entertainment, professional sports, and the foundations.”

Our citizens have become serfs and illegal aliens have become veritable citizens. While U.S. citizens need a passport to reenter our country illegals are ushered through at the southern border with no identification at all. We have not yet seen the calamity of these changes. You can be sure they will soon affect Idaho as all states are now considered border states. If you don’t think that illegals are being integrated into Idaho’s population, you had better take another look around. The elitists who run this state at IACI are not interested in seeing the average Idahoan get ahead financially or otherwise. They are only interested in accumulating more wealth and power at the expense of the working class who are dealing with high property taxes, woke educations for their children, and devastating inflation courtesy of President Biden. You may remember that in the past two legislative sessions, one of our Woke Senators has tried to pass a bill that would allow illegals to acquire driver’s licenses which is one step away from allowing them to vote.

We at the Gem State have been ringing the alarm bell for years with little attention being paid to what we say. If you don’t wake up soon the gavel will come down and Idahoans will wake up one day and wonder what happened to their state and their country. You can stop this transition by doing some homework on who you vote for, whether it be someone on a school board, an Idaho legislator, or even our governor. Make sure you know who these elected officials are and whether they are going to represent you, the people, or the elitists who gave them the campaign money to win their election. We have been lied to for so long that most of us can tell what the truth is anymore.

In the past couple of years, our state has been growing by leaps and bounds, being inundated with folks from more liberal states who are seeking sanctuary in Idaho from the oppressive governments in states they are leaving. The problem is that they have no idea of the hornet’s nest they are moving into, and they need to be educated about who they can trust and who works for the elitists at IACI.

This year our legislature passed a budget of $4.5 billion the largest state budget in Idaho’s history and you are going to be paying for this government atrocity that has been supported by our Rino legislators and a governor who claims to be conservative, We want every Idahoan to think about this massive budget as inflation continues to eat a hole in your wallet while real property tax relief is nowhere in sight real-estate values are plummeting and mortgage rates soar to new highs.

If you understand what is happening to our state please have the courage to step forward and give your fellow Idahoans, the wakeup call they need to become activists that will help rid our state of the phony conservatives who have been destroying Idaho for the last 2 decades.

“We Get the Government We Deserve”.

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