Setting History Straight! It has been unbelievable and disheartening to see the Anti-Semitic demonstrations against Israel and the Jews across the world and particularly in America. At the time of the American Revolution, there were at least five synagogues in the colonies and most of the Jews were patriots supporting the revolution. Why would they […]
Tag: history
Several times this week while listening to political pundits on both sides of the spectrum the word “Extremism” or “EXTREMIST” has been used. The Big question for me is who decides what is extreme? King George certainly felt that the Colonial American Patriots were extreme. Members of the Jewish religious hierarchy certainly felt that Jesus […]
Labrador Thanksgiving Letter
Dear Friends, Today is Thanksgiving, and a wonderful time to reflect on all the blessings we have as Americans and Idahoans. Even amidst the challenges and struggles we face, there are always reasons to be grateful. I hope that as we gather with our family and friends around the table, we keep those reasons in […]
Didn’t We Try That Before?
As conflicts continue to pop up around the world, the United States has vowed to take sides with the oppressed victims of the aggressors. Promising “no boots on the ground”, many other types of assistance are given to these countries. Pretty much everyone has heard the old adage, “Those who cannot remember the past are […]
The current conflict between Israel and Palestine (or Hamas) prompted several conversations I have had. Rather than who’s right and who’s wrong, the crux of the discussions revolves around the origins of these two people. Both sides claim that the tiny piece of land is the land of their origin. But, both claims cannot be […]
I am currently reading two books—one for the first time, SUCH MEN AS THESE by David Sears about Navy Corsair fighter pilots during the Korean War, and the other by George Orwell—1984 that I have read several times. Interestingly the two books have in various sections themes that overlap. They have to do with concepts […]
In Recognition of Constitution Day, September 17th Each year on September 17th, we celebrate Constitution Day, which commemorates the signing of the U.S. Constitution, one of the most important documents in our history. It is unfortunate that in today’s world, most Americans don’t understand or appreciate the significance of this document. They neither understand what […]
Politics and Faction
The idea that an organized legitimate political opposition to an existing elected government did not exist until our Constitutional Republican form of government emerged from the chaos of The Articles of Confederation. Beginning as early as 1790, before political parties had even come into being, the political landscape was littered with contentious and frequently violent […]
They Took A Bullet For Us
WWII was the last Constitutionally declared war by Congress with all multiple subsequent conflicts being decided by an unelected council. While many countries participated in the fight to end Nazism, it was the force of American men who supported those countries in ending the most tyrannical regime of the 20th century. In 2022, it was estimated that only 167,284 of those veterans […]
Lesser men without the law
For over 250 years in our country the moral, ethical and legal predicate that underlies our legal system stood on Natural Law and Biblical principles that were well known to the everyday citizen. These were taught to our children from their earliest years in elementary school through college and even professional schools. Today many in […]
As we celebrate the 4th of July and thank God for His hand upon our country and the freedom that we enjoy we need to remind ourselves of the sacrifices made by those first patriots. Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured […]
Truth or Consequences
Truth or Consequences, created by Ralph Edwards in 1956 was a popular television game show in which contestants who failed to correctly answer trivia questions had to perform stunts. This reminds me of what is currently happening in our legacy news and social media. The only problem is there never seem to be any consequences […]