
Students Are Responsible for the Student Loan Crisis (Part 2 of 3)

But There’s a Lot More to It Than That This is Part 2 of a three-part series of articles on the student loan crisis. Part 1 provided an introduction to the subject, explored who is to blame, and offered an overview of the process of performing a cost-benefit analysis of college degrees, the jobs they […]


Students Are Responsible for the Student Loan Crisis (Part 1 of 3)

But There’s a Lot More to It Than That With the financial effects of COVID-19 reducing enrollment and increasing college costs, and with a potentially record percentage of students seeking student loans, the information in this series of articles may be even more valuable to students. This is Part 1 of a three-part series of […]


Public Education – Feeding the Beast

When will it end? How much is enough? Once again, State Education has its hands in our pockets. Like drilling a well, they won’t stop even when they do hit the ‘gusher‘ of public funding. As a youngster, I was taught that taking something from someone against their will is wrong! Asking for money with […]


Arbeit Macht Frei

Translated, Arbeit Macht Frei means, “Work Will Free You”. It is the iconic sign at the entrance of Auschwitz and many other concentration camps during WWII. Many may not realize the sign was designed by the camp’s iron-worker and mounted by prisoners themselves, the letter “B” turned upside down in protest against the slogan. At some […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Here come the Clowns

Why are Liberals so sensitive when someone makes fun of them? We are speaking about the depiction of the new President of Boise State University as a clown. I only wish there were more clown pictures of the people in our education system to whom we pay obscene amounts of money for teaching our children […]


Have the money follow the students in higher education

A friend of mine, that passed away years ago, believed there were 4 or 5 “P’s” when it came to politics. Four definite “P’s” were power, prestige, profit, and program; I believe these are self-explanatory. My friend’s fifth optional “P” involved a female body part. (I have purposefully left out this fifth “P” word.) I […]


Do Idaho’s Universities and State Board of Ed Respect Constitutional Rights?

Too often, the Idaho State Board of Education gets it wrong. The Idaho Statesman was recently debating whether the Board should be split to create a separate board of higher education. The Board has a history of trusting university officials blindly; this creates problems with distinguishing the responsibilities necessary to protect minors versus protecting constitutional […]


Inspiring and Engaging the Next Generation

How do we interest the next generation of American citizens to be informed and engaged in the political process? An approach that utilizes the schools our sons and daughters or grandchildren attend appears to be a promising avenue. Most high schools, community colleges, and universities allow a student to start a club at school with […]


Idaho’s Campus Carry Law Needs Reform

It has been three years since Idaho passed its version of campus carry and one year since Idaho passed permitless carry, and yet—despite the forecast of mass chaos from Michael Bloomberg and the rest of his Chicken Little cohorts—the sky has not fallen. Despite the general calm in Idaho, however, there have been shootings on […]

Gem State Patriot News