
Congressman Russ Fulcher Re-Introduces CLEAN Act

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher (Idaho-01) re-introduced the Committing Leases for Energy Access Now (CLEAN) Act, legislation that passed the House of Representatives in the 118th Congress on a bipartisan basis. The bill is part of a broader effort by House Republicans to increase domestic power production and diversify the United States’ energy […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Update on the Lava Ridge Fight

Dear Friends, Over the last week, I’ve filed two separate suits in strategic opposition to the Lava Ridge wind turbine project proposed for the Magic Valley on Bureau of Land Management property. The project itself is promoted by Magic Valley Energy, LLC, an East Coast energy consortium which plans to ship most of the power […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Rural Community Advocates, Save Our Ground, to hold fundraiser Event in Kuna

(Kuna, Idaho) Save Our Ground, rural community advocates, gained a temporary stay in Ada County, to stop an industrial-scale solar farm in the middle of farms in the Melba and Kuna communities during Ada County Commissioners meetings in July and August. They are planning a community benefit concert to fund the non-profit. Dustin Ferdinand, one […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

It’s the Economy, Stupid

The question for every American is “Are you better off today than you were four years ago”? As Joe Biden and his leftist lackeys drone on and lie about how good the economy is Americans are not feeling the love and many are sinking deeper into debt by the month. The middle class is suffering […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Are Electric Vehicles the Wave of the Future?

In recent months it has become abundantly clear that electric vehicles are no more than rich men’s toys. Sometimes I think I must be having a dream, but I do not seem to be able to awake from this nightmare. These vehicles are so expensive that only the very rich can afford them. In fact, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

A Message to Biden Administration’s Science Dept.

6,000 Things Made From Fossil Fuels Mr. President, The current drive to eliminate the use of fossil fuels is ill-advised, at least at the present time. This is true for the following reasons:

Opinions / Op-eds

Congressman Fulcher Praises Continued Expansion of GTN Express Project To Benefit Idaho

KAMIAH, ID – At the conclusion of a crowded Congressional Town Hall in Kamiah, Idaho, Congressman Russ Fulcher reiterated his support for the approval of the Gas Transmission Northwest XPress Project (GTN Xpress) by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to benefit his constituents in Idaho. The approval of the GTN Xpress project will allow […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

1984 Could be Just Around the Corner

Sometimes I feel we are living in a Third Dimension where everything is turned upside down when in reality, we are responsible for this turnover of our country to the Neocons and corporate elitists. Biden and the Democrats have done more to destroy our country in 3 years than any other president in our history. […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why does our Government Subsidize Corporations?

The government began Oil subsidies back in 1916 to speed up depreciation of drilling costs which can be quite substantial. A second subsidy was the oil depletion allowance, that became law in 1926. The oil depletion allowance is the biggest incentive to invest in drilling for oil, natural gas and fracking and without this allowance, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Attorney General Raul Labrador Rejects Lava Ridge Wind Farm

Finally, Idaho has an Attorney General who actually stands up for the rights of the people he serves. We have published several articles about the dangers and hazards of the Lava Ridge wind farm project and finally Idaho’s AG Raul Labrador has taken a stand on this issue. In a letter to Kasey Prestwich at […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Don’t Let Lava Ridge Become Another Bunkerville

Idahoans probably remember the 2014 standoff that occurred between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) at Bunkerville, Nevada, and also involved Americans from across the U.S. coming to support Bundy.  The press described the scene as a law-breaking rancher and inappropriately labeled supporters “domestic terrorists” and other derogatory names.  These “terrorists” were blamed […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Is The BLM Violating Grazing Laws? Part 2

Grazing Coordination Plan This is long, but more importantly, the need to get the information out exceeds the length of the article. In Part 1, the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for the Lava Ridge Wind Project was reviewed for potential violations by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) regarding grazing laws. Contained within the […]

Gem State Patriot News