Janice McGeachin For Idaho Governor Candidate Introduction and Q&A Tuesday, August 31, 7:00 – 9:00pm Payette High School 1500 6th Ave S, Payette, Idaho

Janice McGeachin For Idaho Governor Candidate Introduction and Q&A Tuesday, August 31, 7:00 – 9:00pm Payette High School 1500 6th Ave S, Payette, Idaho
When it comes to Idaho politics, I’m not a household name. That’s because before July 15, 2021, I wasn’t sure that I’d actually run for office. As a former Army officer and dedicated businessman, politics were far from my priority. But before I explain what motivated me to run for the Republican nomination to the […]
I hesitate to approach this very sensitive subject. After watching the Olympics—I actually stopped watching after the second night and being surprised by many of the commercials dealing with ED, foot fungus, feminine hygiene, sleep disorders, drug addictions, chronic pain, ankylosing spondylitis, and rheumatoid arthritis, I believe I am on good grounds in discussing the […]
We are a small group that gets together once a week to study the Constitution. We are studying Federalist 59 to 61. Traditionally, these papers do not receive much attention. After all, we know that elections are held in November. But, with the introduction of HR1, the Voting Rights Bill, things changed. Federalist 59 to […]
Well folks, it looks like this is going to be a very interesting race for the governor’s seat in 2022 as Ammon Bundy has declared he is running. This is what Americans do when they are displeased with the system and the people who are running their government. This is what people do who want […]
When I was a young boy living in Columbus Ohio in 1964, my father put his business on hold for 1 year and became Barry Goldwater’s campaign manager. Prior to the primary, he was in charge of the Midwestern States and after the primary, he was in charge of the Goldwater campaign for the State […]
Janice McGeachin showed what she is made of by signing an executive order forbidding the state, municipalities, and public schools from requiring masks while Governor Little was attending a republican conference in Tennessee. Governor Little never ordered a mask mandate for the state but there were many dictatorial types Like Mayor McLean of Boise who […]
As the conservative candidates line up for Idaho’s gubernatorial primary I have to think back to the 2014 primary election when Otter beat out Fulcher by less than 8% of the vote and eventually won a third term. That was the year that Labrador said he was going to run and held up Fulcher’s campaign […]
It was a sad day in America on January 6-7, 2021 when President of the Senate Mike Pence and a majority of Congress used an unconstitutional process to “confirm” the results of a fraudulent, corrupt election in favor of candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, thus denying U.S. citizens our Article IV, Section 4 constitutional […]
President Trump’s December 23 speech about the fraudulent General Election was censored by the mainstream media. https://youtu.be/d399gk-73J8?t=90 Fortunately, the speech can still be viewed above or at this link. (Content begins at the 1:30 mark.) Citizens’ testimony during state legislature hearings and in signed affidavits provides this evidence of massive voter and election fraud: Poll […]
Dear Friends, As we settle down to enjoy this Christmas holiday, we all need to pray for our country and our President as both have been under unabated siege for the past 4 years. We have reached a critical juncture in our country’s history and we as citizens of the greatest experiment the world has […]
Go to any sporting event and you hear fans shouting at the referees or umpires about “bad calls”. People who played sports know that it isn’t the calls that are made that most influence the outcome of a game, but the calls that aren’t made. The strike on the outside corner of the plate in […]