Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed Rail Strike Avoided

81 years ago, today Japan attacked our navy at Pearl Harbor. Thousands of servicemen lost their lives. Even today there are somewhat wild theories as to why Japan did so. I just read in the paper that Congress has passed a law that prevents the railroads from striking. A railroad strike would have been devastating, […]

John Livingston

The Best Anti-poverty Program is a Job

Even prior to Covid, across our country, in all parts of our economy, there has been a decline in the “work ethic”. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, and engineers are working less, and their productivity has declined significantly over the past 10 years. Teachers are working less and asking for higher wages at the same time. Same […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Inflation: Cause and Result

Inflation is defined as an increase in the money supply. Inflation can also be caused by an increase in the rate in which money is spent. The president or Congress can budget more money for certain projects, or to help those suffering loss due to the recent pandemic. But this does not affect prices until […]

John Livingston

Spiritual Economics

We live in a material world and because of that we live our lives in the context of scarcity. We are called on to work by the necessity of having to provide for ourselves, our families, and our neighbors. In the creation story in Exodus God himself is seen as “working”, ultimately creating His greatest […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Cost of Illegals and the Prospect of a Deep Recession

Have you noticed that in the last 6 months there have been a lot of new people working in supermarkets, retail shops, landscaping and home building? If you haven’t you need to take your blinders off. Has anyone been keeping tabs on the immigration issue in our state? I’m not sure the people who are […]

John Livingston

It IS All Connected

My best friend in life and adopted brother is Fr. Lance Krzywicki. Before becoming a Catholic Priest, Fr. Lance was a Wall Street Attorney and Financier. While in New York he became friends with Cardinal John Joseph O’Conner. On Holy Saturday of 1987 I became a member of the Catholic Church after undergoing ” The […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Who Really Runs America?

Bob has 40 years of experience as a Senior Executive on Wall Street Who Really Runs America? When you look at who is really controlling our country you need go no further than the major investment firms on Wall Street Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street. Think about the fact that in 2028 two of […]

John Livingston

Rent Seeking just another form of Corruption

I have received many e-mails and read the posts on articles I have written regarding my charges of corruption in Idaho Politics. Corruption doesn’t have to be illegal, but the longer it is allowed to occur, the less transparency there is in government, and the more likely it is to become illegal. Conservatives need to […]

John Livingston

Time for Some Common Sense

“I would rather be governed by the first 2,000 people in the telephone directory than by the Harvard University faculty,” William Buckley famously said. It looks as if his worst fear is being realized. Or by Congress or by many of our State legislators and Governors—especially in Blue States and inner cities. Is Idaho a “Blue […]

John Livingston


I am a Thomas Sowell groupie and fanatic. I have read every one of his books, several more than once like “ECONOMICS“. In “DISCRIMINATION AND DISPARITIES,” he points out that many times differences in performance and achievement that are attributed to discrimination and racism are the results of disparities in education or talent, but most […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

President Trump Acquitted 57 – 43

Well, folks, the phony impeachment trial by the democrats has failed to convict President Trump of Incitement of Insurrection. Just like the phony charges of dealing with the Russians were proven to be nothing but lies made up by the deep state. If you spent any time listening to the arguments in the senate, it […]

John Livingston News

Affection and Respect

Jason Whitlock is a giant in the field of sports broadcasting. Because he is a Black Man with a conservative point of view, he was fired from Fox Sports. He has now become the head of his own broadcasting company and is more successful than ever. Last night in an interview on his former employer’s […]

Gem State Patriot News