
19 Reasons to Support Donald Trump

By now, if you have not decided to vote for Donald Trump there is probably not much I can say that will cause you to change your mind. Still, it is not good to just give up, so I continue to give you my opinion. We all need to decide what our ultimate goal is. […]


Trump’s not an Angel, but…

William F. Buckley once stated, “I would rather be governed by the first 2000 people in the Manhattan phone book than the entire faculty of Harvard.” Donald Trump may or may not be whom Buckley spoke of. He is not the perfect candidate. He may not grasp the foundation of the founder’s intent, however he […]


Clinton vs. Trump? No, It’s the Media vs. America

— Reprinted with Permission of The New — Liberal media bias has long been an open secret. But now it’s so bad that even a liberal mainstream newspaper notes that, in an effort to destroy Donald Trump, the media have jumped the shark. In a Los Angeles Times piece, columnist Justin Raimondo writes that to […]


Who’s in Putin’s Pocket — Clinton or Trump?

— Reprinted with Permission of The New — While serving as secretary of state to President Obama, Hillary Clinton delivered one fifth of America’s uranium deposits to Russia. So charge investigators who have been delving into the murky — and very alarming — dealings of Secretary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation with a company known as […]


Mr. President, You Disgust Me

I’ve known for eight long years what a poor excuse for a man we have as a President. I’ve known for eight long years what a deep dark hole he is leading this country down. I’ve known for eight long years that he is either mentally unstable, incredibly ignorant, or an extreme Muslim sympathizer like […]


Justice isn’t blind, it’s crooked: Opposing view

USA Today asked Donald Trump for OpEd presenting his case for USA TODAY. Donald asked Wayne to be his surrogate and write it. What an honor. From Thursday’s USA Today: This Trump University lawsuit is a perfect example. The powerful, corrupt, elite establishment is out to destroy or at least change Donald Trump. Their attacks have […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

‘Here Come the Judge’ – Trump Has the Right to Criticize

The definition of racist according to Webster is a person who believes that a particular race is superior to another. There are three major races Caucasian, Mongolian, and Negroid. Mexican is a nationality. Just like being Canadian, French, Japanese or American. Races are determined by physical characteristics (skin color, eye color, hair color, shape of […]

Gem State Patriot News