
We’ve Had Fake News, Now We May Have a Fake ‘Deal’

It appears that signing any tax bill coming out of this Congress should be called not a deal, but a fake deal! If so, the GOP will commit political suicide. It’s doubtful that the tax bill will be successful with Mitch McConnell running the show. He is an establishment obstructionist, can’t be trusted and must […]


Trump Was Right! UN Admits Paris ‘Climate’ Scheme Is Useless

— Published with Permission of — It turns out that President Donald Trump was right, after all. The United Nations finally admitted last week what virtually every sensible observer had already realized. In short, the so-called UN “Paris Agreement” pretending to battle alleged man-made global warming will make no real difference in the global climate, even […]


The Hypocrisy of the Right

It seems to be a popular notion among the conservative right to think that hypocrisy is the exclusive domain of the liberal left. However, in recent years I have become increasingly aware of the presence of hypocrisy infecting the political right and I find it quite disturbing. Hypocrisy is subtle and beguiling. Like the Pharisees […]


The Communists Killed Kennedy – Now President Trump’s life is in danger!

— Published with Permission of — In the Mel Gibson film “Edge of Darkness,” a mysterious consultant to a group of conspirators says, in regard to covering their tracks for a series of murders, “Make it so convoluted that anyone can have a theory, but no one’s got the facts.” Many theories have been offered […]


AFFH to Destroy Property Rights and Property Values in Communities across the Nation

— Published with Permission of — Advisory to President Trump on HUD’s AFFH I know you are watching the shocking and absolutely viscous daily attacks on President Trump. He has to defend himself constantly for every move he makes. How can he focus? How can he make any progress? Or, in other words, ‘When you’re […]


Revoke the NFL’s Antitrust Exemption

— Published with Permission of — Ever wonder why the price of NFL football game individual and season tickets are so prohibitively expensive, as well as the high price of official NFL gear sold on the internet or in sporting goods stores? Ever wonder why the NFL has gotten away with not disclosing the dangers […]


Donald Trump 35 — NFL 0

This is the story of the suicide of the NFL. Are you listening, Jim Murren and MGM? This is a case study for how to destroy a billion-dollar business by injecting your offensive leftist politics and alienating your own customer base. President Trump has done it again. No, I don’t mean he’s offended millions of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Tossing the Political Football on their Knees

In my younger years on Wall Street, I got to work with and rub elbows with any number of professional football players like Scott Eaton, Spider Lockhart, and Chuck Mercene who after being injured turned to Wall Street to make a living. These men would have never even thought of taking a knee they had […]


Mueller must be removed, disbarred, prosecuted

— Published with Permission of — Decrying the special counsel’s ‘legal jihad unfolding with impunity’ As a former prosecutor of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), founder of Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, and its current general counsel and chairman, I filed a complaint Monday before the Office of Professional Responsibility and Inspector General […]


Strike a Deal with China on North Korea

— Published with Permission of — North Korea’s latest nuclear test has pushed the Trump administration into a near frenzy, even though America has lived with the threat of annihilation for more than a half-century, starting when the Soviet Union built atomic weapons. President Donald Trump’s blustering and posturing have done more to unsettle […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Single-payer ‘Berniecare’ shows how far left the Democrats have shifted

— Published with Permission of — This is a practical joke, right? If you’ve ever been in a situation where you thought you were in the right place yet everything around you didn’t quite fit your sensibilities, you know exactly how most (sane) people felt last week when Senator Bernie Sanders introduced legislation to […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Conservatives beware of West Wing Democrat salesmen bearing promises

— Published with Permission of — Cutting taxes was supposed to be the easiest part of enacting President Donald Trump’s agenda. When Trump first announced he was running for president, he drew the most attention for his poignant remarks on immigration and trade. But beneath all of the hyperbole and messaging on populist topics […]

Gem State Patriot News