
What is Trump’s Secret Sauce?

I’ve reported the numbers here in my newspaper column before. The stock market has soared upward the fastest in history under President Trump. Christmas bonuses are up dramatically. GDP is headed to the moon—almost tripling the GDP of Obama’s eight years. Jobs have soared since Trump became president—up 2.2 million since his election. Manufacturing jobs just […]


Considering a Nixonian ‘Saturday Night Massacre,’ Mueller’s ‘Team’ Erosion, & Impeachment?

The Saturday Night Massacre refers to U.S. President Richard Nixon’s orders to fire independent special prosecutor Archibald Cox, which led to the resignations of Attorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus on October 20, 1973, during the Watergate scandal. The list of contrived maneuvers by the leaders of today’s State Department and FBI […]


The FBI-Led Coup Against President Trump

— Published with Permission of — This is just another example of how the Deep State continues to defy the President and the will of the people as expressed in the 2016 election. The Constitution makes the President the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, but for the past ten months the […]


President Trump’s remarks about restoring Utah lands to its citizens

“Your timeless bond with the outdoors should not be replaced with the whims of regulators thousands and thousands of miles away. They don’t know your land, and truly, they don’t care for your land like you do. But from now on, that won’t matter. I’ve come to Utah to take a very historic action to […]


Obama Won’t Shut Up & Go Away

A Mission to Undermine & Take Down Trump Barack Hussein Obama (or BO, as I choose to call him out of contempt for him) has been on a ‘Shadow Tour‘ of meetings with world leaders after President Trump’s meetings with them in an effort to undo as much of Trump’s gains as possible. America needs […]


General Mike Flynn’s Only Crime

— Published with Permission of — General Mike Flynn’s inexplicable decision to plead guilty to lying to the FBI was disappointing to his many supporters in conservative national security circles. However, in one respect it was understandable; Flynn was being crushed by the legal bills required to defend himself against the relentless pursuit of […]


Today’s FBI: The Fake Bureau of Investigation

As a kid, my blue-collar, conservative dad taught me the greatest organization in the world was the FBI. I grew up believing FBI agents were gods. My favorite TV show was “The FBI” starring Efrem Zimbalist Jr. My favorite movie was “The Untouchables” starring Kevin Costner as FBI agent Elliot Ness. Today’s FBI is no longer my father’s FBI. I’m sad to […]


Fixing the GOP Tax Cut Plan

In my last column, I told you all the problems I’ve found in the GOP tax cut plan. It’s the first tax cut plan in my lifetime that I’m not excited about. The GOP is making a big mistake—unless big changes are made. But I remain hopeful those changes are on the way. President Trump […]


Progressives Devolving

It’s easy to deride the aberrant behavior of the leftists we’ve been unhappily witness to, both over the course of the presidential campaign and particularly since Donald J. Trump ascended to the presidency on November 8th, 2016. After all, they’ve never recovered from the Bush v Gore race of 2000! But as a wise neighbor […]


A.G. Sessions: Inept or Establishment ‘Deep Mole’?

Truly, where’s the Justice? After a year of not prosecuting even one of the myriad list of existing documented violations of law by Teflon Democrats that are never reported on by the mainstream ‘Fake News’ media, we must now demand to know why they are never prosecuted. Is Attorney General Jeff Sessions fecklessly not up […]


Senate swamp creatures playing politics with public lands management

— Published with Permission of — The Department of Interior is charged with creating and implementing policies governing America’s public lands, energy and mineral resources, waters, etc. But without expedient confirmation of Trump’s nominees, the department remains moored in the previous administration’s quicksand of big government overreach. Department of Interior (DOI) Secretary, Ryan Zinke, sent […]


President Trump’s Federal Election Fraud Commission

This is a quick heads-up that I ask each of you to circulate to anyone who may have information about election irregularities on Indian reservations. The email addresses noted below are to President Trump’s (nine-member) Federal Election Fraud Commission, chaired by Vice-President Pence. This is a commission that has reached out to the public to […]

Gem State Patriot News