
Time is short to legally finish Mueller off!

— Published with Permission of — Go to to sign our petition and support Mueller’s removal As I have written before, it falls upon Freedom Watch to rid the nation of Special Counsel Robert Mueller, since no one else – including President Trump’s own establishment lawyers – Ty Cobb, Jay Sekulow and John Dowd – has […]


Did President Trump Just Declare WAR on Hillary, Deep State, and DC Swamp?

December 21st is a day that will live in infamy. Remember that date. The world changed on December 21st and no one noticed. That will soon change. The great conservative talk host Michael Savage was the first to define liberalism as a “mental illness.” But it turns out liberals back then were relatively sane compared to today. Today’s liberals […]


Who died?

I started watching Miss America and Miss Universe competitions when I was a little girl, mostly because I loved the gowns. To this day, I still tune in, especially toward the end, when all the gowns are on display. A couple of years ago, I saw my all-time favorite! As the expression goes: TDF – […]


Outsiders vs. Insiders: Holier than thou Obama and fake news media about to receive their due

— Published with Permission of — Imagine you’re at a new place of employment and through office gossip, you learn the person you replaced has been brazenly criticizing the way you conduct yourself on the job. Over the course of time you also see ample evidence your predecessor was a rule-breaking incompetent whose arrogance […]


Trump the Barbarian

As usual, the media and liberal critics of Trump have it all wrong. Before I get to DACA and the wall, I will tackle Trump’s “offensive words” about Haiti and African nations. Trump called those countries by a crude name. He certainly could have chosen his words more carefully. But…who cares? He told the raw […]


A year of spectacular accomplishments by President Trump

We’re still weeks away from the day in January last year when Donald J. Trump ascended to the presidency and took his oath of office as the 45th President of the United States of America. Yet, in less than twelve months, he has already had an extraordinary presidency – more bold, courageous, and revolutionary in […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Turning Right with Trump at the Wheel

In the words of our Vice President Mike Pence, “I think from a conservative perspective, we accomplished more thanks to President Trump’s leadership than has been accomplished in more than a generation. Looking back seven years ago to when I first joined the Tea Party and became an activist, it is hard for me to […]


It’s Time for Obama and Liberals to Cry ‘Uncle’

When will Barack Obama and his liberal supporters finally cry “Uncle”? Obama was clearly the worst president in modern history. I’m not even talking about some of the terrible, certainly immoral, but quite possibly illegal actions Obama took… I’m not talking using the power of the IRS to target, intimidate, persecute and destroy his political opponents […]


The McMaster Cabal: Lead Operatives in Deep State Coup Against Trump

— Published with Permission of — Are top-level members of the Trump administration colluding on ways to oust President Trump? Are members of Trump’s Cabinet and National Security Council plotting a coup? Is National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster among those whom former Trump political adviser Roger Stone alleges (see here and here) have been having “conversations” about removing Trump […]


My Happy New Year Wish: ‘Drain the Swamp’

It’s New Year’s 2018. Let’s take a moment to celebrate a great start to the New Year. President Trump has turned a “horrid Obama economy” into a “torrid Trump economy.” We are experiencing one of the greatest economic turnarounds in history. No one expected a rebound this huge, this quickly. Christmas retail sales just set all-time […]


Furious at Trump, Disgraced UN ‘Human Rights’ Boss to Step Down

— Published with Permission of — Citing an “appalling” climate for what the United Nations dishonestly characterizes as “human rights,” scandal-plagued UN “High Commissioner for Human Rights” Zeid bin Ra’ad Al Hussein (shown) is planning to step down this summer, according to news reports. But it isn’t the mass-murdering regime enslaving the people of China […]


FBI and DOJ: Cesspools of corruption

— Published with Permission of — Larry Klayman whacks ‘3 cowardly halfwits’ leading agencies On December 7th the new director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Christopher Wray, predictably undercut the president who nominated him to take over for the previous two corrupt heads of the agency, Robert Mueller and James Comey, testifying before […]

Gem State Patriot News