Opinions / Op-eds

How our Tax Dollars are Being Spent

This article is courtesy of the Idaho Freedom Foundation The Idaho Freedom Foundation has written extensively about Idaho’s budget and will continue to do so. Numbers and financial analyses can be difficult for people to understand who don’t focus on it. Let’s discuss some of the basics. Let’s start with a few terms from the […]


Idaho’s Continued Budget Growth Increases Concerns for Conservative Government

A Conversation with Ron Nate, IFF President, & Tea Party Bob LISTEN HERE: Budget Expansion once again Signals Shift from Conservative Principles An in-depth analysis of Governor Brad Little’s recent State of the State address and proposed budget reveals concerning trends in government growth and spending that appear to contradict Idaho’s conservative values and fiscal […]

John Livingston

If Not Now, When?

From 1789 until the rise of the progressive movement under Woodrow Wilson, Congress adhered to James Madison’s view that the Federal spending power was limited to executing the Constitution’s enumerated powers. From pre-Civil War days bills appropriating aid to education, income support for citizens—except veterans, and grants supporting the poor were rejected by Federal Lawmakers. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Government is the Problem

Over the last two decades, many so-called conservatives seem to have forgotten one of the most important, bedrock principles of conservatism — fiscal conservatism! Another forgotten principle is the one President Reagan famously espoused: “Government is the problem.” I cannot stress this point strongly enough. More government is never the solution to whatever problem you […]

Opinions / Op-eds

More Shenanigans, More Spending, And Less Tax Relief!

Our Joint Finance Appropriations Committee (JFAC) voted early in the 2024 legislative session to split our state agency budgets. This meant the House and Senate would vote on the maintenance segment of the state budget, and then have debate on the line items or new requests (including governor’s requests) to determine wants and needs. This […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Budget Growing Like a Cancer

We should all thank Audrey Dutton for her extensive reporting on the Idaho Health Data Exchange as it continues to prove to us the incompetency of Idaho’s Health and Welfare Department. We have been calling for an audit of this Bureaucratic behemoth for several years, but it appears that no one in the political arena […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Is it time for a Mutiny? Recall Governor Little?

Who is steering our conservative ship Idaho? Captain Bligh? It is seldom that we see governors recalled, although two have been recalled successfully in U.S., with the most recent being Scott Walker of Wisconsin who was victorious in a recall election with the Mayor of Milwaukee. The second was Gray Davis from California in 2003 […]


Democrats and RINOs Driving 2018 Omnibus Spending

— Published with Permission of — If you thought electing a Republican majority in Congress would usher in an era of fiscal responsibility, think again. While the tax cuts championed by President Trump have so far kept revenue at record levels – even with lower tax rates – Congressional spending is skyrocketing, in large measure, […]


The Right Way to Pay for It All or ‘Balancing the Budget, Done Right!’

OUR CONSTITUTION “Our Constitution was created to govern the Government, not the people, and not the states, each of which is a guardian of its own sovereignty. The central government was created with strictly limited powers leaving the states to compete with one another to become the best state, the one with the least amount […]


Governor Otter’s Education Budget: Throwing Money at the Corporate State

Governor Otter has proposed several big money education items in his budget. Each builds on previous programs recommended by a task force created in 2012 and operating on information at least that old. None of the task force recommendations implemented to date have been audited to determine if the programs are worth the cost. Furthermore, […]


Budget solution will not be found in Convention of States

Proponents for an Article V Constitutional Convention say this is a necessary procedure. They profess it is necessary to implement a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, in order to control the National Debt. This simply is not true. The state of Idaho has a Balanced Budget amendment cradled within the Idaho Constitution and […]

Gem State Patriot News