I have been writing for a year about Governor Little and how he has made a sharp turn to the left and no one seems to accept that fact. Well, citizens of Idaho, you must read a scathing article written by Blaze Media writer and senior editor at Conservative Review Daniel Horowitz. He backs up […]
Tag: Brad Little
(Especially not our Legislature) I have been talking about this on the Kevin Miller Show for two months and finally, someone woke up and did something to effect the possibility of a real link between the value of your home to the property tax exemption. Is Tax Relief in sight for this session? Hard to […]
H135, S1136, and the Constitutionality of the Governor’s Emergency Power Yesterday, Governor Little announced his intention to veto House Bill 135 and Senate Bill 1136. Both pieces of legislation are intended to curb the Governor’s overreach in emergency situations. I listened to Mr. Little’s announcement and read his statement. In his speech, Governor Little affirmed […]
Various corporate franchises are touting their plans for a Vaccine Passport. This passport will be awarded to the patrons who go along with whatever the medical elites recommend. Right now, they are recommending that all need to get the current experimental COVID Vaccine. There will be no exceptions. Since when do the corporate elites get […]
Don’t Trust Liberals Bearing Gifts
In the flurry of activity during the current 2021 legislative session, eyebrows were raised over background information that was presented on HB 226 during debate on the House floor, the bill ultimately failing. This bill would have provided a federal grant in the amount of $5,980,500 to the Office of the State Board of Education (ISBE) […]
The Colorado Wilderness Act of 2021, H.R. 803, also known as Protecting America’s Wilderness and Public Lands Act, was just passed by the House in Congress and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources by the Senate. This bill includes eight previous individual measures for public land and water protections in Arizona, Colorado, […]
Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM Good morning Kevin: I would just like to mention that the Gem State Patriot has opened up its website to accept donations for the families of the three national guardsmen who perished in the helicopter crash. […]
Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM Good morning Kevin: I would just like to remind everyone that if they would like to help the families of the 3 National Guardsmen who perished financially, they can go to the Gem State Patriot website […]
Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show 580KIDOam, 107.5fm Good morning, Kevin: Sorry to say, I totally disagree with you and John on letting this election go without a full and complete forensic investigation into voter fraud. Without an investigation, it sends a message to the opposition that we don’t care and it […]
Fighting Back
For months now, the global social media giants have been eliminating from their formats anything that they consider to be abusive of their rules. What you have to remember is they make up the rules as they go along to reach their goals of limiting the freedom of speech. I myself was personally removed and […]
The Theft of a Nation
While we worry about making a living and how our children are being educated we are taking our eyes off the real problem as our country is being changed into something it was never meant to be. Trump is the first president I can remember who has actually kept all of the campaign promises he […]
Little at His Worst
I see great disappointment with Governor Little and the recent actions he has taken to grab power in the face of an emergency. He has run roughshod over our legislature and eliminated any participation by the people in the governing of our state by not allowing our elected representatives to voice the people’s concern for […]