
Idaho Choose Life Event: Dessert with Michelle Malkin

Dessert with Michelle Malkin Thursday, February 3rd, 7-9pm Eagle Nazarene Church1001 W State St, Eagle, ID Event is FREE for Pro-Lifers!

Opinions / Op-eds

Mike Simpson Fails to Stand-Up for Pro-Life Community, Again

Idaho Falls, ID – An amicus brief on a Mississippi abortion law banning abortions after 15 weeks was filed in July 2021 by a large coalition of interested parties, urging the Supreme Court to recognize state government as the proper level of authority to settle controversy on that matter.  Over 200 members of Congress signed onto […]

John Livingston News

Men – Women – Family – Worker

Men are being marginalized in our country today. Not just white men, but Black men and Latino men, and Oriental men. All men. Things that men do hunting, fishing, playing sports—especially contact sports, are being attacked by the media and liberal progressive groups across the country. My idea of what it means to be a […]


Life Brief: The Legislature Returns on Tuesday

The Legislature Returns on Tuesday The Idaho Legislature will return to work this next week, after taking a break because of a COVID outbreak at the Statehouse. There is a pile of unfinished business awaiting them, including tax cuts, budgets, transportation and some important work on the pro-Life threat. Critical Pro-Life Bills Need Senate Action […]


Update on the Session from Idaho Chooses Life

“Good intentions will always be pleaded for every assumption of power … It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard the People against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all ages who mean to govern well—but they mean to govern.” — Daniel Webster Progress at the […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Biden-Harris Administration Wage Jihad on Preborn Babies

Special Report to the Gem State Patriot As of this writing, Mr. Biden has occupied the Oval Office for something like ten days. And already it is crystal clear that this Administration bears a furious hostility toward preborn babies and the pro-Life movement. Even before he assumed office, Mr. Biden’s Inaugural Committee helped raise money […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Our country is at a crossroads

The Book of Revelations describes a “war in Heaven,” wherein “the dragon was cast out,” and has waged war for the souls of God’s children since that time. For those of us who accept the Bible as God’s word, we recognize the battle between good and evil; that because of God and Jesus Christ we […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed By Congressman Russ Fulcher: After 47 Years of Roe v Wade, It’s Time Congress Recognizes Its Victims

Every January since 1974, tens of thousands of Americans have gathered in our Nation’s Capital for the March for Life around the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade. You might not be familiar with this event, as most mainstream media outlets give it little attention and have frequently misreported the number of […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: What is YOUR Line in the Sand?

There is no doubt, your freedom is under attack. What is your line in the sand? Do you have one? Can we draw a “line in the sand” when we may not even be sure where it should be? How many rights are we willing to lose, rather than stand up for truth? For example, […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed: Thou Shalt Not Kill

In 1973, the Roe v. Wade decision determined that a state law banning abortion (which included an exception to save the life of the mother) was unconstitutional. The court ruled that states were forbidden from prohibiting or regulating abortions performed in the first trimester; during the second and third trimesters states were allowed to enact […]


Planned Parenthood is the Heart of the Democrat Party

If socialism has overtaken the head of the modern Democratic Party, then Planned Parenthood is its heart. We saw that emotional commitment to darkness when every Democrat in the U.S. Senate voted to protect infanticide just last week. But this week brought news that the passion for Planned Parenthood’s death agenda runs through every artery […]

John Livingston News

Would You Take the Life of an Unborn Child?

Any discussion regarding abortion rights should acknowledge certain fundamental truths. First of all, there is no sin greater than God’s Love and Grace. God loves us and wants us to experience his love. My Quaker Grandmother told me to always look into the faces of people—strangers and those we hold close and understand that each […]

Gem State Patriot News